The Best Defense

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Takashi puts away the final piece of the mess away. "Thanks for your help. Sorry about ruining lunch."

"It's okay. I guess you have a problem with some of the gods", Perseus assumes.

"I as well," his brother adds.

"In what way?"

Heracles is hesitant since other people are around. Takashi taps him on the back to reassure him. Heracles sighs and tells them the truth of what happened.

Perseus and Chrysaor are upset to hear what had actually happened. Some of the servants who stayed behind cry from his tragic tale. Chrysaor's armored body trembles while Perseus' hands are glued into fists.

"I can't believe she did that to you! That monster!" The young demigod remarks with light golden aura flaring out. He takes a moment before asking a question. "Will you use your wish to bring Hera to justice?"

The mighty hero relays what Megara told him, making his answer unsure. "Hera certainly deserves to pay for all she has done. But is that what I really want? Things wouldn't change too much after she's gone."

"Even though the reward is three perfect wishes, we need to add unbreakable conditions so the gods can't screw us out of it," Taki figures while tapping his right foot.


This makes Perseus think about what he really wants. "I see. I think you would ask to be home, right?"

"I would first get the space powers, that way I won't be ripped away again. I just became a father when I was taken to this world."

Perseus and Chrysaor take a step back out of shock.

Chloe overhears this and hugs Takashi tightly. "I didn't know. Did you get to see your child?"

He shakes his head. "But I will make it up to her when I get back. I just pray my wife will forgive me. I worry about how her and our families are doing. The pain they're going through in my absence," his right foot stops tapping. "I won't let Poseidon nor any other god get in my way. I will be so strong that nothing can stop me."

Perseus admires his confidence and completely understands his feelings. He just can't reveal the truth right now.

Chloe tears up for him. "She will forgive you. It's not your fault that this happened."

He uses his sleeve to wipe her face. "Hey, no more tears. We will cry happily when it's all over," before turning to his youngest nephew. "What would your wish be?"

"I'm still figuring it out."

"That's okay. Since I'm in recovery mode, train with Heracles for today. We want to see what you can do."

"I'm ready."

"There's an open field at the back of the temple so you can train. Just don't break anything, please," Chloe puts her hands together in a prayer. She leads the trio while others follow to witness the strongest hero in action.

Pegasus sits up after hearing Perseus' footsteps. Taki sits on the steps to rest. Chrysaor walks in between Perseus and Heracles to act as a referee.

"What do you want to see?"

"Show me what you can do in a fight, bare handed without aura. We will move to aura afterwards," Heracles instructs.

Perseus gets into a crouched stance with both arms up and Takashi doesn't know what it is. It seems like a boxing pose he saw before, but different in a way.

Heracles recognizes it. "Pankration?"

Perseus nods.

"Go at any time."

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