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Thirty minutes later, Medea, Theseus, and Ariadne reach Corinth. The city of hills has one hill higher than the rest with a castle sitting at the peak near the lakeside.

After landing outside the city, the witch recites an incantation that shrinks the ride back into a statue. As soon as they enter through the city gate, Theseus' and Medea's bracelets light up and link to the same direction ahead of them. They follow it down to the sound of running footsteps approaching them.

But the feet stop in place after hitting someone.

"I'm so sorry about that, sir. Let me help you up," a young man speaks.

They get closer for a better look at him. The male with short brown hair wearing a soaked blue scarf is helping an old man up.

Water droplets drip to the street while he grabs his cane to give back to the man.

"Are you okay, sir?" He asks.

"I'm fine."

The young man notices the senior citizen's near white pupils. "Do you need help getting home?"

"I'm not too blind and I'm not far away from my house. Thank you, young man."

The demigod watches the old man walk away using his cane. The teen then spots something he dropped. He picks it up and runs to the man. "Sir, you forgot your purse."

He gently takes the man's hand and puts the pouch of coins in it.

"Thank you so much! May the gods be with you!"

"You as well."

Theseus and Ariadne smile upon seeing that their new teammate is a nice person. The demigod of Athens brings out his aura in a peaceful manner. "That was very nice of you."

The young demigod jumps from the voice and familiar energy. The seafoam white hair gives him peace as he recognizes their connection.

Medea takes off her hood and he notices her face as well as Ariadne's. His eyes dart to the ground.

"You spoke just then. Why aren't you saying anything?" Medea questions. 

He remains silent.

Theseus understands why he's shy and steps in front of Medea. "Let him take his time."

"Sorry. I'm shy when it comes to new people. My name is Bellerophon. You can call me Bellero if you want", he extends his hand.

The white-haired man shakes it. "My name is Theseus, your teammate and brother."

Bellero's teal eyes widen in sheer jubilation. He latches onto him for a deep embrace. "I never met a fellow sibling until now. Thank the gods!"

Ariadne is smiling with welled up eyes.

Medea sighs. "Yes. Yes, it is. We now have to-"

Bellero steps back. "Theseus, I heard about you. You defeated those bandits and killed the minotaur, right?"

Medea hides a scowling look from the lack of attention.

"Well, the bandit part is true, but-"

His younger brother tilts his head.

"I will tell you at a later time. The woman with the white bracelet is our coach, Medea. Best to keep away from her," he whispers at the end.

His teal eyes dart to the ground while facing her. "S-Sorry for how I acted towards you."

Medea now understands the avoidance of eye contact. She is kind of flattered. "Bellerophon, we are glad to have you as part of our team," she speaks with honey. She goes to lift his chin, but he backs away.

He's afraid she will take his scarf that gives him a measure of security.

"Stop it, Medea," Theseus orders.

"I'm just trying to know him a little better."

"And this is my wife, Ariadne of Crete."

"It's good to meet you, brother-in-law," she curtsies.

"N-Nice to meet you", he stutters. He turns back to Theseus. "I have so many questions to ask you. Have you met our father?"

"I never met him before. My mother told me about him when I was young."

"I never met him either. I was raised by my mom and step-father, but they did tell me when I got older. They are actually the king and queen of this city.''

"You're royalty too?" Ariadne politely asks.

"Y-Yes", before shifting his eyes back to his brother. "Who took care of you?"

"I was raised by my mother and King Aegeus."

The corners of his lips pull down in response. A somber embrace is wrapped around Theseus. "I'm so sorry."

Medea kills the same expression from appearing on her face.

Theseus pats his back. "It still hurts, but now I can make things right with your help."

"And we have a few questions for you. How old are you?" The witch asks him.

"I-I'm 16."

Medea is slightly surprised while Theseus and his wife are shocked.

Theseus grasps his hands. "Little brother, I ask that you don't join out of safety. You have a long life ahead of you. Try getting a girlfriend or something."

Bellero lightly chuckles with a hint of sadness behind it. "Even with my shyness, there's something about me that stops a relationship from happening."

"It's probably that wet scarf. It makes you look strange," Medea insults.

Theseus' glare silences her.

The teen grips the ends of the scarf. "There is a reason....never mind. I already told my parents that I was going to do it and they support me. I know I am young and inexperienced when it comes to fighting, but I made this choice for a reason."

"You have a wish you want granted, Bellero?" Ariadne inquires.

He shyly nods. "Big brother, I promise not to let you down. I will help you win if you will teach me how to fight. We can't lose because we are the sons of Poseidon, right?"

"I don't know."

"Let me show you what I can do."

The teen leads them outside the city into the royal forest. He sniffs the air and goes to his target. He motions for them to stay quiet and low. They all see a stag eating berries from a bush.

Bellero quietly scales a tree with expertise and crouches on an overhanging branch. He gets out multiple fishing lines without hooks to apply aura to them. The lines unwind and turn almost invisible. He attaches a line to the tree and drops down.

With a sudden motion, the stag is brought up into the air from the aura infused net. The stag tries to fight his way out, but it doesn't break. Impressed gasps exit from the others.

Bellero gently lowers the stag while producing a calming aura to quiet the animal. The creature's bleating silences while he frees it.

He rubs his head. "Sorry about that. You're free to go."

The stag trots away. Ariadne smiles from his sweet nature.

"Okay, brother. You belong on our team," Theseus affirms.

He winds up the wires with aura before placing it on his belt. "I won't let any of you down!"

"Let's get a move on, Bellero. We need our final member to complete the team," Medea informs.

"W-Who is he?"

"We will meet him right now", while taking out her totem. She does another incantation under her breath. 

Bellero's eyes are amazed as the statue turns into a living, breathing chariot. The golden serpents hiss as Medea gets to the reins. Ariadne and Theseus hop aboard with Bellero following after. He keeps in mind what his brother told him about her and stays behind the couple.

Medea whips the reins and the young demigod holds onto the side as they fly into the air to meet their final teammate.

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