Leveling Up

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12 days left before the tournament....

In the temple at Mt Delphi, Orpheus readies his lyre for Apollo's training. The ends of the musical deity's white tunic flow from the wind passing through. If one listens closely, musical notes can be heard in the breeze.

Apollo materializes his lyre with focused emerald eyes. "You thought I taught you everything about music, but I was holding something back."

"What did you hide?"

"Music can also be used as a weapon, Orpheus. I didn't teach you that because I felt it wasn't needed. Now, times have changed. I need to teach you so you can live after this."

Orpheus understands. He had already risked his life helping Jason's crew survive their ordeal. He grips his lyre. "I won't let you down. I just hope Eurydice will understand."

"I did see her before I came to you," the deity confesses.

The demigod's eyes widen. "How-How is she?"

The nimble fingers of the short-haired Olympian strum his lyre to illustrate their conversation. Various musical notes visualize and form into figures. One figure has a string of wavy notes acting as the flowing hair of his beloved Eurydice.

"How would you feel if he joined this tournament?" Apollo spoke.

"I miss him, but I don't want Orpheus to die." Hearing her melodic voice makes Orpheus tremble. He fights back against the tears trying to break out. "If he died from the games, would that mean he wouldn't be accepted into Elysium?"

"According to Hades' rule, you are correct. He would have put himself in harm's way."

The figure places her hands into a prayer. "Please, keep him safe if he joins and tell him that I don't harbor any hatred for what happened. I still love him."

Tears of relief escape the demigod's eyes while the illustration ends. A boulder of guilt has been lifted off his shoulders. He can now go through the games knowing that Eurydice wants to be reunited with him. A newfound confidence awakens his light golden aura. "We will win because I won't hold back. I'm ready."

Apollo smiles while summoning various trees for target practice.

The god begins playing a familiar song and an a note flies out. It pierces into the tree. Orpheus' mouth drops. Apollo keeps playing the song and the rest of the notes fly out like arrows (d' e' g' a' b' d'' e'). All of them hit their targets simultaneously.

Apollo finishes the song by plucking the last note on the string. A wide arcing projectile cuts through the trees, leaving them in pieces.

The musical Olympian waves his hand. New trees take root while he lowers his weapon. "The good thing is that if you were interrupted, you can pick up where you last left off. It's all about your intent. Focus then act."

Orpheus summons his aura to envelop himself and his lyre. He plays a lively song that helped him a long time ago. The pebbles on the floor "dance" to the rhythm. A g' note flies out and cuts through a tree.

Beautiful music continues to send sharp projectiles. I will be reunited with you, my love. Nothing will stop me!

He finishes the song with an energy arc which slices through all the trees. Heavy breaths leave his lips from the offensive tactics.

Apollo steps forward. "Play this song with me."

The god plays certain notes which Orpheus copies. He finds his breathing is no longer exhausted. Instead, his energy has been reinvigorated.

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