Confrontation & Reveal

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Takashi continues his training to land a successful divine energy jab. His watch says 7:30pm in his world.

Don't give up when you're so close!

Echo and the others are cheering him on.

"You can do it, Takashi!"

"Artemis taught you well. Use it!"

"You're almost there!", Helena adds.

"Don't let me down, student! You only got a couple of hours before meeting Iphicles. I will keep you here until you nail it!"

He finds the energy traveling, but it ends up the same way. He stops to catch his breath. He wishes there was a way to recover faster.

"Artemis, based on what you know of my powers, is there a way to fast forward my recovery process?"

"You mean without affecting the environment?"

"Yes. I used my rewind gift to save a water nymph named Ismene. It didn't affect the Trojans at all."

The goddess thinks it over but shakes her head. "Even knowing how your powers work isn't bringing any ideas on how to control it like that."

"It was worth a try", before drinking juice from a canteen. Some time passes and he feels some energy building back up. He visualizes his success.

His emerald energy spikes that he pulls it into his right fist. He goes to throw it, but fear is driven into him. Artemis and the others feel a powerful energy nearby. Her followers run behind her for safety. Artemis, Taki, and Echo recognize it. They aren't in danger, but he is definitely upset.

Heracles comes out of the forest on his horse with his lion armor on. He looks around his hut and steps off.

Artemis runs towards him. "Brother, I know I hid this from you. Let me explain."

"Sister, I didn't mind that Echo asked to be with you during your grieving. I do not mind that your followers are here. However, why is he here?", he glares at Taki.

"S-she's training me", he stutters out with careful words. He knows that Artemis can hold Heracles back, but he doesn't want them to clash.

"You're lucky that my sister is here or else you would have died."

"He didn't look for us. I spotted him and offered Artemis' help", Echo speaks up.

"He saved the Trojans and I owe him for that. Do not lay a finger on him or else", Artemis warns with golden aura that begins to outweigh Heracles' energy.

He sighs. "Fine. If you want to train him, so be it. But consider this the last time I talk with you."

Artemis gasps from the pain of that comment. Her godly energy disappears. "Don't say that", she states with a shaky breath.

"I allowed you in my home and you broke my trust. I never want to see you again."

The goddess feels her heart breaking, but she puts on a brave face. "Thanks for letting me grieve here. He won't hurt you. Come with me", she tells the others.

They pack their things in a hurry to leave.

"Why would you do that to her?!", Taki yells at Heracles.

His fierce blue eyes stare down at him. Taki's legs are trembling from fear, but he continues to speak. 

"She's still mourning Orion's death. Don't kick her out because of me. I can train elsewhere. Let her stay."

"It's alright, Takashi. I should have asked him before I took you on. He's right. I broke-"

"No! It's not right. You already live by yourself and you want to cut off one of the few ties of family you have left?", he questions the demigod.

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