Perseus and Medusa Pt 3

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Author's Note: Elements of romance is inspired by eros_bittersweet. Check out their work on Reddit. Also, Perseus omits the nights of passion from the group that will unfold in this chapter. The steamy scenes are just for the benefit of the audience!!!

Perseus was patient with Medusa as he waited for their time together. One day she asked him a question while they were eating breakfast.

"Have you ever had sex before?"

"No. I'm a virgin."

"I don't believe that such a handsome man like you is a virgin."

"I kissed a girl but, I never even had a girlfriend until now."

Medusa smiled as he meant her.

"I mean if you want to be my girlfriend," he added with consideration.

"I do."

 "Yes!" He smiled under his blindfold.

"When we have sex, would you take responsibility?"

"Responsibility for loving you the way you deserve, yes if that's what you mean."

Medusa was about to laugh, but she stifled it.

"What is it?"

"It's a double meaning. It also means to start a family."

"Ohhhhh. I love kids so that would work out for me. Before the king took me and my mom in, I would babysit the other children and that included changing dirty diapers."

"Well, that was easy."

"What about you? Do you want children? If you don't, then I wouldn't mind just kissing and holding you."

"I do want children with you. But I've been thinking about what our children would look like and it kind of scares me."

He found and held her metallic hands. "You won't be alone. I would love our kids no matter what they looked like. They will come out of a beautiful, smart woman."

Medusa smiled at his genuine compliment but got serious. "What do we do for their education when they grow older?"

"We can provide school here for a bit with the books we have. When they get to be sufficient adults, we will allow them to travel to whatever school they want. I will check shipwrecks for any money and save up so they can have the best life.

For friends, that might be tough. I want them to have fun with other kids who wouldn't treat them differently because of you. For the time being, I will teach them what being a good friend means and what to look for."

"You really thought about this. When do you want to start?"

"When you are ready to. May we touch each other in the meantime? Just to get comfortable?"

"Sure. Let's get started."

She led him to the reflective shield and stood behind him.

"It's safe. Let me know if you are in any pain."

Perseus lowered his blindfold and was happy to see her face again. Medusa gently stroked his blond, unruly hair with her finger pads. It felt a little rough to him, but he didn't mind. It started feeling like a massage.

She softly worked her way down his neck and kissed him there to his welcomed surprise. She softly stroked his sculpted triceps and then lightly scratched his back. Perseus winced as a little blood came out. A gasp from her stopped her actions. The self-healing kicked in.

"It's all good. Don't stop."

Medusa obliged and followed with a hug from the back. He felt her bosom pushed against his upper back. He exhaled as her hands traced his abs and stopping before the waist. She closed her eyes and got in front of him. He was eager to give her some "payback."

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