Demi-God Tournament Pt 1

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The staff of intertwining serpents hits the bottom of its swing. Taki and all the demigods rush forward....with confusion in every step. Their feet drag as if running through maple syrup.

Theseus, Bellerophon, and Narcissus run past them with ease. Their quicksand trap has given them the lead.

Orpheus' music from his lyre lifts him and his comrades out. Notes become their ride to fly over everyone and drop them off at the entrance.

Heracles' tree trunk arms grab onto Takashi and Perseus before leaping with his strength to land at the entrance. Other teams use their respective abilities to get out of the trap. The depth of the cave's darkness forces everyone to use their auras to illuminate the area. A large open space with two tunnels ahead of them. 

One with the pictogram of a dog with the other having a woman's figure. Heracles looks at the ground and sees no footsteps. He suspects that Theseus hid their tracks.

The rest of the demigods are trying to figure out which path to take. Faint traces of music exits the woman's tunnel. Heracles' instincts lead his team to take that route.

The other teams split up between the two paths. One whole team is running past Taki's group, but they maintain their pace as they scan around for traps.

The team ahead uses blasts fiery aura at the ceiling. Rocks fall down to block them off, but Heracles' controlled energy fist pierces through them. Perseus lifts his shield to protect his head while Taki runs off the walls. A focused beam of emerald vaporizes the rest of the debris.

The lingering music stops from ahead. Blood curdling screams echo from the other route. Heavy thuds accompany the snaps of bones. The scent of golden iron penetrates through the walls. A part of Takashi wants to go back and help them, but his feet keep rushing forward. He may have had no chance of survival with whatever is in that tunnel.

Their route opens up to a space with a shimmering pool on the right side. The team ahead of them halts from the invasive symphony. Because of Taki's enhanced hearing in FF, he also stops. Penelope's gentle singing reaches his soul.

He turns to the naked women on several different rocks that are delivering that tune. Scales decorate their bodies with sharp claws that can slice through stone.

Perseus also stops. The voice of Medusa calls out to him. Heracles covered his ears as soon as he heard them. He dealt with these monsters before. Sirens.

The demigods ahead and around them jump into the water. Teammates push each other away to reach the women first. One of the beautiful creatures swims out to the one ahead. Her soulless eyes meets orange irises. He pulls her in for a lustful kiss, but she pulls him down into the depths. 

Blood befriends the bubbles that pop on the surface. The rest are still in a trance as they don't fight back. The other sirens enjoy their feast of flesh.

Meanwhile, Heracles tries to yell above the sirens' song to snap Taki and Perseus out of it. He puts himself as a barrier and kicks Taki and Perseus to the wall.

The creatures seethe from the large obstacle.

A mimicry of Medusa's voice comes out. "Percy! Your brother is stopping us from being together!"

Penelope's voice slips out of the other. "Taki! Heracles won't let you get to me! I missed you so much."

"Kill him. It's the only way," they speak as one.

Taki taps his chest. "FF2!"

The son of Kronos fires off a beam that he withstands. Taki uses this chance to jump over Heracles, but the mighty demigod headbutts him. Taki falls backwards, but he regains himself to take out his blades.

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