Demi-God Tournament Pt 4

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During the 2-hour break at Penny's house....

Penelope, her parents, Aiko, Greg, Misha, and Hikari are going through Taki's voice messages together. Greg brought over food he made, but they put it to the side for now. Penelope's parents sit by her as she plays a message sent Oct 10th.

Their loved one described Gaia, Odysseus, and his plan to talk with the Oracle of Delphi.

"....I miss you, my bronze goddess. I hope you forgive me."

Nicholas adjusts his glasses. "Odysseus? Oracle?"

"Gaia then must be a world where Ancient Greek mythology is real. If that's the case, then...

Penny clutches herself as she imagines the worst. Her parents hold her.

"What is it?", Aiko asks.

"It must be dangerous over there. Wild unimaginable beasts and gods that could get in his way", Hikari interjects through video chat.

Aiko almost sinks out of her chair from hearing that. Misha holds her steady.

"Taki would never put himself in danger. He avoids it like it's the plague", Greg assures them.

Penny lets out a slow exhale. "Let's go to the next message." She hits play.

"Hey, Penny. We just left Aeolia and we got the bag of winds needed to get to Ithaca. Home is not too far away. Just know that I will make up for the time I lost for you and our little girl. I love you."

Penny holds their daughter, Karisa, as she plays the message again. Her daughter reaches for the phone.

"That's what your daddy sounds like."

They then play a group message from his four-month skip.

"Hey, everyone! We arrived at Ithaca and I'm going to go through some training to get stronger. We finally made it past Poseidon thanks to Odysseus."

Greg pauses the message.

The name of the sea god connects to the torn bloody tote bag and the three holes. The hail of bad news almost assaults their minds before Taki speaks again.

"There...was a lot that happened that I don't fully comprehend. But I will explain everything. I also found I have powers. It's like I'm a...remote for better terms. I can slow down, reverse, skip, and pause the flow of time. I hope the training will help me use them better. I hope to show you all when I come back."

Hikari checks the charts on her end. It matches with what he said. Aiko is silent as she thinks to how he obtained these strange powers. Misha points out some pictures.

Takashi and other Greek men with names written above each person. Photos of him camping, working out, and learning how to survive. They were all amazed that he looked different. His wife holds the sexual thoughts in her mind from leaking out. He was handsome before, but her hands want to touch his sculptured body.

Hikari checks through for any clues that could help her team find him.

There was a separate voice diary which Penny plays. "Penelope. I am so sorry. Poseidon got in my way and he knocked me off course. Don't give up on me. I will make it home before you know it. Kiss our daughter for me."

Penny gently kisses Karisa on the top of her head and is relieved that more messages came afterwards.

"I got a message to play", Hikari mentions. She holds the phone close to her laptop and taps the play button.

"Hey, sis. It's been a while since I talked with you. I'm sorry for that. I'm almost to the Oracle who should get me home. Daedalus helped me make wings and I was able to save Icarus.

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