A Change of View

14 5 0

Nov 6th, before 6am

Takashi grips his blanket with white knuckles. His feet squirm from reliving a horrible event.

"Leave her alone!", he almost yells while sitting up. Heavy breaths leave his mouth as his eyes catch up with his surroundings. He wipes off the cold sweat with a trembling hand before opening his tent.

A crisp autumn breeze greets him on a dark morning. Artemis isn't anywhere to be found, but everyone else is still sleeping.

He throws on a hoodie and some tennis shoes. He takes deep breaths while walking away with his sword.

"I see my bag, my phone, Artemis, Helena's tent, and my hands", he whispers.

Those aren't your hands, his splintered mind thinks.

"Shut up. It's my body."

"You mean a vessel that you have overwritten with our memories!"

He shakes his head as he tries to keep quiet.

"Do you think Penelope and the others deserve a fake Takashi?"

"I'm not a fake."


"I won't let you win."

He proceeds to warm up and practice his strikes.

"Odysseus taught the original how to fight. You're just lucky that you mentally survived."

"Just shut up!", he spits through clenched teeth. His swings get reckless from his antagonizing mind.

"You're such a horrible brother. How could you miss the signs?!"

He hacks away at the tree to release the pent-up stress from his nightmare.

"I'm the original no matter what you say!"

Something stops him from swinging. He turns. Artemis is holding his blade with one hand without cutting herself. He turns his face from her.

Artemis turns him around and hugs him. "It's okay. Let it out."

He drops his sword as he embraces her fully. His body trembles against her. "I don't know what to do. I can't win against the thoughts in my head", his voice breaks with raindrops falling from his face.

The goddess of the hunt holds him tight until he finally stops.

"I wish there was more that I could do to help, pupil. For now, come with me and let's hunt for some breakfast."

"Will I be.....a failure in that department as well?"

"If you do fail, then it's my fault for not teaching you well."

Taki's lips parted hearing that from her. She's willing to take the fall for him.

"Grab your bow and arrows."

After returning with those items, Artemis takes him on a walk with the sun rising in the background.

She puts up a hand to halt and crouch down and he listens. She points to a few pigeons resting on a branch and lets him get the first shot.

His muscle memory allows him to prepare the arrow in a quick manner. He aims with doubt creeping inside.

He exhales....... but the arrow misses its target. The sudden movement makes them scatter. Artemis shoots a few down while they're in midair and they fall to the ground. Takashi drops the bow out of frustration.

"I am a failure. It's not because of you."

Artemis sighs. "So are you going to be a failure forever or do you want to go back home?"

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