Rescue Pt 1

40 11 68

Oct 28th, the next morning.

Takashi and the group are getting mentally prepared for tonight to free the Trojans from Stavros' grip. They make their way towards Hyria with him flying into the clouds to do some recon. He flies just high enough so the guards can't make him out.

He sees he is able to look down clearly because of his powers. Some movement in the forest up ahead of the group. He lands on a sturdy tree branch to get a better view.

The guards cautiously search the surrounding area with their crossbows. Taking a look at their uniforms, he knows Stavros isn't among them. He watches and thinks on what to do. Tying the 15 guards up would be a waste of time. Ismene could easily take care of them, but he doesn't want to risk ruining Avgi's perspective of her.

He takes a rock from his bag and throws it as hard as he could against a tree to the left of them. The guards jumped from the sound, alerting the others to join them.

"What was that?!"


The guards shoot their arrows to where the noise came from. Thud!

"Defensive position! Those Trojans are planning something!"

The 15 guards form a circle with their spears facing out. Some of them look up to see if anyone is hiding in the trees.


He hits several of them without using his blade. He even hits below the belt for good measure. Their noses wrinkled up with opened mouths to accompany them.


Ten of the guards crouch over from the sudden pain. They all look around until fear strangles them. A foreign man with a sword is in front of them. They reach for their swords only to find they're right behind the stranger. Along with their armor which makes them tremble and sweat.

"Not a single move or it will get worse for you", he warns with a pointed sword. "I could have killed you just now, but I held back. My offer is this: leave this place and never enslave another human again or death."

His darkened eyes tell them all that he had killed before.

"W-w-what about Stavros?"

Faint green vapors dance around his body as his eyes narrowed. "I will take care of him myself. If I ever hear about you mistreating another person, just know that I will rain down justice without any mercy. Now leave and don't look back!"

All of the men scramble in that direction without looking back.

When they get out of his field of vision, Taki leans against a tree and recollects himself. He slowly breathes in and out.

"I'm not going down that path again. It's just a bluff. Just a bluff."

After recollecting himself, he flies upward to get a view of the camp. The sounds of whips hitting flesh has him grit his teeth. He reminds himself that they will get their just punishment later.

He tries to find Stavros among the guards with his physical description in mind. He isn't present, but he does see the flammable substances Paris mentioned.

He flies off in a different direction to make sure they won't follow him before returning to the group. He lands in front of them.

"I couldn't find Stavros, but I was able to reduce their numbers down. Just scared them away."

"Why did you let them go?", the wood of Paris' bow creak from his grip.

"I chose the method that worked best for us and your people. The people of Troy need a leader and a leader needs its people. I won't stop you from doing what you want to the guards, but do not hurt your people as a result."

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