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Colorado 6:00pm

The facility receives a notice of high energy readings. Hikari grips the ends of the table from the uncomfortable feeling. Her brother's nightmares all over again. Their device fires off to locate this new world but comes back with no response.

"Is something wrong, Hikari?", Dr. Hanson asks.

She quickly relaxes her hands. "I'm fine. I just wish there was a way to make contact with this other world. If your theory is correct", she bluffs to stay on the project.

"I wish we could stay longer, but we have to leave now."

Hikari slowly leaves the room. Once she's back at her place, she heats up a microwave dinner of mac and cheese while placing a framed photo on the table.

A picture of her mom, Takashi, and her in Japan. The first time that their mother took them there. She and her brother ate so much delicious food that their mom was concerned where it was all going. She chuckled from that memory before stopping herself.

"Once you're back and acclimated, Taki, let's go on another trip there. Penelope and my niece can come with us too."

After dinner, she checks her planner. For tomorrow, it's labeled "Rescheduled Therapy." She thinks about skipping it.

No. I need to be in the right mindset so I can find him. Besides, the anniversary is coming up in a few days.

Her body shudders from remembering that tragic night. She wraps her arms around herself. The walls begin to cave in.

She focuses her eyes. "Planner. Bed. Clothes. Computer bag. Desk."

Her fingers touch her desk, her hand, her glasses, and the framed family photo. She quiets her breaths to hear the things around her.

"Water dripping." She taps her fingers on the desk. "Tapping and my voice."

Taking a long whiff......."My air freshener and the lavender spray."

She eats a melatonin gummy which makes her face scrunch up.  "The gummy. Which reminds me not to buy this brand again."

Her breathing is brought back to normal. "He has no power over you. He will never get that chance again", she repeats until she gets in bed.

"If you are in a different world, Taki, help us find you. Try anything to let us know where you are. We will bring you back. We miss you, little brother."

She sends out a group text before falling asleep.

"Hey, everyone. We are still working on something, but I feel we are getting closer to finding him. Good night and love you all."

Meanwhile in Gaia,

Echo is patching up the hole in Taki's tent with some cloth. He sits near the campfire with eyes fixed on the dancing embers. Helena gives him a plate of food, but he doesn't acknowledge it until she speaks up.

"Takashi, have some food."


He takes the food from her and begins to eat before stopping himself.

She sits down. "Sorry. Did I overseason it?"

"No. It tastes great.......I want to apologize for scaring you like that."

"Don't. I didn't see what Artemis and Echo saw in you. You can tell me about it. I'm here for you."

He can't bring himself to answer. Helena respects his silence. After a quick lunch, he walks to Artemis, begging with his eyes to resume the training.

"Takashi, are you 100% ready for this?", Artemis questions him.

"I am. It was just a bad dream. It wasn't real."

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