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Colorado, around 5:30pm. During Taki's fight with Heracles....

Hikari and her coworkers see a spike in energy levels. Her face gets pale as she grips the table for dear life. Dr. Hanson notices this.

"Hikari, are you okay? You don't look well."

"I just need to sit down for a bit."

A female coworker helps her outside the room and into a chair. "Would you like some water?"

"That's probably it. Haven't been drinking enough water."

"Be right back."

What I'm feeling is similar to that night that Taki.....No. Don't finish that thought.

She looks through the window to see that the energy levels have stabilized. She breathes in and out deeply. Her coworker comes back with a bottle of water.

"Thanks. I will be back there when I'm ready."

"Just sit for now. Don't overdo it."

"Just give me a few minutes. If I'm not well, I will stay here."

She sits down with her to keep her company. "Do you think we will figure it out and discover something great?"

"I believe so", Hikari asserts.

"It's unusual. You would usually question everything. What changed?"

"Call it a leap of faith. Doesn't hurt to try it out."

"If it works out, then we can use that energy to solve crises. The world will change as we know it."

I just hope we find my brother this way. Be safe, little brother. Don't be stupid and get entangled in things larger than you are.

Back in California, Greg sees his laptop reading off the same information. His heart almost jumps out of his chest. He feels his friend was fighting for survival until it stabilizes.

"Taki, what the hell are you up to?"

Misha stops the car on the side of the road to avoid a crash. She then gets the feeling that everything is okay with her friend.

"Damn it, Taki. Warn a friend first."

Penelope and Aiko felt a moment of dread when that happened, but it passed away.

"Son, please stop scaring me like that. You're giving your mom high blood pressure."

"S-Same here. We're too young for that", Penny half-jokes.


Back on Gaia, Echo's stomach twists and flip flops. Her instincts tell her to hurry back to the others.

"I'm sorry, Narcissus. I have to go now. I will make it up on the next date", she quickly speaks.

"It's okay. I will write you next time."

Echo sprinkles some love dust on the ground and runs through it. Narcissus hides behind a barrel to bring out the peacock totem.

The mountain nymph's eyes widen from the destruction that greets her. Her heart almost leaps out of her small chest from an injured Takashi and a battle worn Heracles with her best friend. The dark purple on Artemis' face couldn't be ignored.

The vain demigod covers his mouth. "How are they still alive?!"

He contacts Hera and the totem lights up. "I know what just happened, Narcissus. That damn Takashi broke my curse over him. How did he know about what I did?"

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