Unexpected Lovers

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Takashi's college hoodie keeps Helena warm from the crisp breeze that rolls through. Heracles looks down at the ground from what he did to her while the others take her in.

"She just got in and told us not to say anything," Echo explains.

Taki embraces her while refusing to let go. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Aphrodite invited me to support you during your dancing test," with tears running down her face. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

"I will try not to."

She wipes her face with the sleeves of the hoodie. "You're too stubborn to stay out of trouble."

Taki chuckles. "That's true. How's your wound?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Helena notices his right hand. Three metal fingers. Her pupils waver before Heracles kneels in front of her.

"It was my fault. It happened during our fight."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I didn't want you to hate him for it," Taki sighs.

"I'm truly sorry for hurting you both. I understand if you won't accept my apology."

Helena lifts his face up. "I forgive you, Heracles."

He smiles in relief. Echo's flowers bloom out of happiness.

"Everyone, this is Helena. She's the daughter of Artemis and my good friend," he introduces her.

Chloe's jaw drops. "Artemis has a child?!"

"I call her my mother since she raised me," she explains.

"Helena, this is Chloe. I met her in Crete."

Helena's eyes widen as she knows her profession. "Did you two-"

"Nothing happened. I'm just helping him learn how to dance."

Helena internally sighs.

"This is my teammate and nephew, Perseus."

Perseus offers his hand and she shakes it. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well."

"And this big, metal guy is Chrysaor. He can't speak, but he's a great listener."

Chrysaor waves at her and she waves back. Pegasus extends his wings to her wonder. His nostrils pick up the relaxing, lavender on her. He licks her face which makes her laugh. 

"And this is Pegasus."

"You are an incredible creature," while petting his mane. Pegasus snorts in response. "Oh, I almost forgot. I was invited as a guest to the games," she tells them.

Takashi's milk chocolate eyes darken. He grasps her wrists. "Please.........don't go. I don't want to put you through that stress."

Helena takes his trembling right hand into hers. She strokes his fingers which erodes his shore of stress. She tells him that she wants to see his dream come true before he says goodbye to them.

He sighs while gazing into her eyes. "It would be good to have you there to cheer us on."

"Maybe I can watch your back as well."

"If the games have any muggers to fight, I can count on you."

Helena laughs uncontrollably and snorts. Perseus and his group are thrown off by this, but they don't mind as Taki laughs along with her. Helena realizes that she's still holding onto his hand and lets go. Chloe notices there may be more to their friendship and changes the topic.

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