Demi-God Tournament Finale

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In California, his loved ones feel his determination for one more hurdle to overcome.

"Let's go, agapimenos!", Penny screams at the top of her lungs.

"Show them what you are made of!", Greg joins in with Misha.

"Kick some ass!", his mother decides to use a "curse word".

His in-laws cheer for his pending return. Little Karisa coos for the father she hasn't met yet.

Takashi grins from feeling their support. Narcissus scowls from seeing that smile.

Hermes drops his staff to begin the last game.


His vibrating body closes the distance with his hour-hand blade ready for protection. He pivots backwards from the lack of reaction. A cautious energy slash from his second-hand blade tests something.

With a quick swipe of his knives, his energy strikes intercept the attack. Dark emerald vs white.....the vain demigod dodges from Taki's attack overtaking it.....with the same vibrating speed as his opponent.

Perseus and the others are shocked as the proudful man closes the distance with quick thrusts.

Taki swings his long blade in a horizontal arc to hit his torso, but Narcissus steps back. In the middle of his spin attempt, the son of Kronos lunges backward to stab him in the ribs with his short blade--

Grunts. Drip.

The two demigods step away from each other. Taki's right wrist is cut. Narcissus' right rib is leaking golden iron through his pure white tunic.

Hermes' eyes caught it all. "Both had hit their attacks at the same time. No points!"

The white, flowy wisps steam from the demigod ruining his clothes. However, a wicked smile that he can keep up with him as this continues. Taki narrows his eyes at him for an explanation.

"You wonder how I could keep up? Foolish foreigner! You are not at my level to discuss such things!"

Medea hypothesizes out loud. "He must have met with Hera secretly to match Takashi's speed. That explains his multiple absences."

"Why did he want to go through all of that? What does he have against Takashi?", Orpheus questions.

The fighters prepare themselves for Round Two.

Taki taps his wound while in FF2. "Zone. Rewind."

His wound closes up. The same thing happens for Narcissus.

Hermes glances at them. "Round 2, start!"

An emerald energy thrust travels at the wicked demigod. He ducks down to avoid it while advancing forward.

Taki whispers while pointing. "Zone, Rewind!"

The energy strike flows in reverse. Narcissus deflects it away with his energy enhanced knives.

The brother of Hestia rushes in with both blades to take advantage. Blades clang against each other. Feet pivot back. To the side. Forwards. Neither of them finding a clear opening....until Takashi jumps back for something new.

Narcissus throws his knife at his chest.


The knife considerably slows down before it's swatted away. The knife travels backwards. He rolls to the side. The white energy returns the weapon to its owner. To the arrogant demigod, he failed to notice the glowing second-hand blade.

Taki drops his hour-hand blade parallel to the ground. "Zone, Stop."

His blade halts in midair. Narcissus wasn't going to let him continue. He rushes in. The dark emerald aura forces him back. White energy being nibbled away from the pulsating alarm to give up.

He laughs to himself. He can just dodge it for a counterattack.

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