A Warrior's Tunic

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Galen and Sander finish the story and Takashi is mixed to hear what has happened. It's good that everyone came back safely, but Odysseus lost his sight. He grips the sheets until his knuckles turn white as he can't do more for them. The guilt of his prior anger towards the king only makes it worse.

"How is he dealing with his blindness?"

"His servants are helping him as we speak, but it will take time. He's less stubborn to receive help. I think it's because of you", Damian informs.

"Still, I want to talk with him."

"Everyone and their families will be having dinner tonight in the castle. You can speak with him then. I'm just glad that all of you made it back. Oh, I also laid out some nice clothes for you, Takashi."

Eurycleia hands him a loincloth and a red wine tunic.

His fingers feel the softness that accompany their elegant look. "I still have a long way to go. But at least my home isn't too far out of reach."

"That's the spirit! Tonight, we feast and you will soon be on your way to the Oracle!", Sander declares.

"Before we do that, stop." Time freezes as he gets out of bed. He takes his plate and smacks Sander in the back of the head. He gets back in bed while finishing his snack. After eating...


"Ow! Why is my head hurting?", he rubs the back of his head.

"Did you just hit him while stopping time?", Damian asks Taki.

"I mean he had it coming", he smirks with a petty grin. Sander playfully locks him in a headlock and gives him a noogie.

"Oh, you think you're a big man because of those powers!"

"Quit messing with my hair! I don't want to be bald like you!"

The others laugh and their spirits are lifted. He's going to miss these guys. He fights out of the headlock.

"I think I need a bath before dinner. Can you lead me to it?", he asks Eurycleia.

"Sure. Take your clothes with you."

"I will see you all later!"

She leads him through the extravagant palace. There is plenty of open space so a nice breeze can roll through. He walks past several large rooms filled with various art pieces, weapons, and scrolls. Eurycleia tells some of the servants they encounter to prepare the bathing area. They run to get it ready.

Penelope would have a field day if she was here. She can study to her heart's content.

Eurycleia shows him the bathing area. It is a large dry area, but shallow. The maidens drop buckets of lavender and other herbs into it. The servants then lift something up with the sticks they're carrying. Heated water starts flowing into the area until it reaches a certain level. They close the gates by putting the sticks down.

"It's ready for you."

"Are they going to stick around?", he asks.

"Yes, to help you if you request anything."

"If you don't mind, may I request some privacy please?", he whispers.

"Nudity is normal, Mr. Watanabe. No need to be shy here."

Some of the women giggle.

"It's not like that. I just want my wife to be the only woman to see me naked", he argues with a whisper.

"Oh, I apologize. Ladies, let's leave him until he's done. Leave him some stuff to clean and dry himself."

The maidens leave a scrubber, a towel, a bucket, and some jars next to his clothes at the corner of the pool. Eurycleia leaves him be.

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