Demi-God Tournament Pt 2

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Telemachus holds his mother back from leaving the stands. Her screams reach Hermes' shell which alarms Aphrodite and the others in Aeolia. Attendees almost jump out of their seats from the mayhem.

The messenger god flies in to stop the second game, but a powerful barrier pushes him off the field.

"Zone, FF2!" Takashi speeds past Perseus and the others to save Odysseus.

Percy's aura cloaks around him while he runs. "Uncle, wait!"

Bellero and Theseus follow but stay behind because of what could be out there.

The son of Kronos bounces from the side of the pillars to get higher to the platform. Within a couple of yards--


The hellacious flames burn only the tips of his black hair thanks to the pull of Bellerophon's strings.

His back collides with a pillar with the wires dropping off.

Whimpering of puppies.

His emerald blades screech out to block the rows of teeth from Scylla's six serpents. Recent blood marked the snouts of the snakes and dogs. Percy's shield slices off a serpent head, making her retreat in pain.

Takashi's heart pounds faster than a rabbit from seeing her again. The mental image of her tearing apart Odysseus' crew makes his swords tremble.

A calm hand by his nephew brings him back to the present.

I'm stronger than I have ever been. It won't be the same.

"Judges, I implore you to stop this game!" Hermes shouts.

Athena waves her hand. "Once the game starts, there is no stopping it. The monsters they will encounter will not leave the field because of my barrier."

The sheer cruelty of her sister makes fur appear over Artemis' skin. She grips her knees to prevent that animalistic side from coming out.

Hermes narrows his eyebrows at the goddess of wisdom. His hand reaches to turn off his shell, but it would only worry Aphrodite. He hopes it will end quickly.

The blind king of Ithaca stirs from the commotion. He finds his hands and feet restrained to something. His wife's shouting for his safety from afar. The whimpering puppies makes his jaw drop.

Taki and Perseus roll out of the way of a charging bull. An exhale from its mouth results in teary eyes. Stomachs threatening to eject their contents. The duo jumps back. The heat of an approaching fireball comes at them from the side.

Taki points at it. "Stop!"

His eyes shoot open. Time hasn't stopped. Percy jumps in with his shield. The impact makes the attack scatter around him. The following stream of fire melts part of the rocky area. The son of Zeus rolls out of the way once his uncle was clear. But a grunt leaves from the fire touching his leg and left arm.

Taki rushes to another pillar, but the horns of another bull has him crash against a pillar. Its sharp horns stained with his divine blood.

He clutches his torso before jumping away from its toxic mouth.

Seeing Perseus, he jumps over to strategize. The reflection of his shield tells him the owner of those flames.

The head and body of a lion. A horned goat on its left shoulder. Its tail alive with the head of a snake. Its wings of a dragon flap while it roars.


Taki gently touches his wound. "Zone. Rewind."

The two holes in his stomach stay in place to his confusion. His mind comes to a horrible realization: his powers are disrupted because the killer of his father is here.

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