Perseus & Medusa Pt 1

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Author's Note: Romantic structure is inspired by redditor Eros_Bittersweet. Check out their work too!

Perseus' aura continues the unexpected love story of him and Medusa.

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Birds chirping woke up the young demigod. His nostrils are penetrated by bread cooking in the oven. The chains rattled from him covering his mouth from a yawn.

"Morning, Perseus. You woke up in time for breakfast."

"Is that bread?"

"Your nose never deceives you. It should be ready soon. I want to try something with you." She walked over and unlocked his cuffs. "You can get up now."

He stood up slowly using his hands against the stone wall.

"I don't want to chain you up anymore. Unless you like that."

Although Perseus was young, he questioned if it was a slip of the tongue or if it was more than that. Even then, his face turned beet red.

"I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me," her voice flustered.

She cleared her throat. "You can walk around freely in and outside the house."

"But how? Your eyes would turn me to stone if I even glanced at them."

"For now, we will let each other know when we are in the same area. If I'm out of the house, I will tell you when it's safe. Let's try that." Her footsteps went towards the door. Open. Close. "It's safe!"

Perseus felt uneasy as if this was a trap, but he decided to trust her. He slowly lifted his blindfold. His vision was a bit blurry before becoming clear.

Sunlight poured through the windows to reveal the house. The stone oven baking the bread was close to the sink that had the leftover fish scraps. Off to the side, a table with chairs already pushed in. To his right, an unmade bed where Medusa had slept on with some books nearby.

To his left, a small closet where there are towels and women's clothing. He scanned for Athena's weapons, but they weren't there. He didn't blame her for hiding them.

"Do you like the place? Probably not the same as the king's palace. I saw the insignia," Medusa mentioned from outside.

"It's nice. Everything that is useful is in its place."

"My sisters built it for me."

"They have done a good job. Medusa, thanks for letting me out."

"I don't want you to feel like a prisoner anymore. You can read my books if you want."

"Thanks." He looked down under his shirt to check his former chest wound. "My wound has healed up nicely because of you. Thanks for that."

"You're welcome."

He could hear her smile behind those words. Blood began rushing down. He whispers to himself to calm down.

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing! I didn't say anything."

After checking the bread, he used the oven mitts to place it on the table. He sliced it into generous portions for him and his host. After sitting down at the table with his blindfold on...."You can come in."

The door creaked open. Her snakes "gasped" in surprise.

"I didn't want to eat without the host. Would you like to sit down?"

"Maybe another time. You go ahead and eat."

The bite of bread sends him moaning from the earthly flavors. "Where did you learn to cook like this?"

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