Demi-God Tournament Pt 5

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Hermes raises his staff.

Bellero's necklace automatically hydrates his face. Chrysaor furrows his eyebrows to be serious. Gold and blue wisps crackle against each other.

The bottom of the swing signals their fight. The son of Poseidon rushes in t deliver a low kick to his left leg to destabilize him.

The son of Perseus jumps. An overhead elbow in mid-swing. A catch of the arm leads Chrysaor to land on his back. Bellero attempts a full armbar, but the brass man uses his strength to swing up. Elbows rain down on Bellero who guards himself with his arms.

An opportunity. His legs wrap around Chrysaor's head while grabbing his arm to choke him out.

The son of Zeus powers Bellerophon into the air--Slam!

A grunt of pain escapes before the brass man's second attempt. Bellero quickly transitions in the air into a low armbar with his butt on the upper shoulder blade. The stinging from punching the metal face makes him stop. The armored man's backswing knocks him off. 

He rubs his cheek while thinking of a new strategy.

Ariadne and Medea smile that the fighting lessons that Theseus had taught Bellerophon is paying off.

"Don't stop, Bellero! Keep going!", Selene yells.

He inhales before knocking his head back. The exhale leaves a spray of water that drenches his body. He charges again with an aimed lunge at the right leg.

Chrysaor raises that same leg for a knee strike. Bellero lunges back to avoid the brunt of it. The son of Perseus goes to grab him by the waist. The son of Poseidon slips out of it easily. A reach for the arm to throw him out. His brass hands slide upon contact. A solid jab to the abdomen staggers him. A front kick to the solar plexus has him "breathing" heavily.

"Don't give up! You can do it!", Perseus cheers for his son.

Pegasus neighs loudly for his older brother. The other team cheers for the youngest demigod to continue.

Brass feet rush forward....a last minute palm strike to push him out. The youngest demigod sidesteps. A back kick connects but the armored man uses his giant-like strength to stay inside. He does a swinging chop, but Bellero ducks back and away.

Medea, Orpheus, Ariadne, and Selene are raising their eyebrows from why he's doing this.

His heart thuds loudly. He smacks himself to overcome his fear. To let everyone down would break his spirit. He taps more into his blue aura to transform.

His dorsal fin enlarges while sharp claws extend from his webbed fingers. Arms and legs engorge with muscle while keeping his lean frame. Medea knows this form will help him win.

Selene is both terrified and amazed at his new change. She steels herself to root for him.

Bellero roars out with flaring dark blue aura. His sea god father smiles out of pride.

Chrysaor, on instinct, puts his arms and aura up to defend himself. Heavy punches and kicks move him back little by little. The brass on his body develop rust from the multiple strikes.

The son of Perseus attempts a quick front kick. His leg is caught in the crook of his arms to push him out. The brass man falls on his back on purpose with feet to vault him out of the circle.

Bellero's claws dig deep into the ground. All of his core utilized to keep his lower body bent backwards. An inch away from being knocked outside. He drops his feet down while his necklace hydrates him. He rushes at his opponent while reaching low. Chrysaor raises his leg to avoid it getting caught. It was all a trick. A heavy uppercut connects. 

But the eyes of the youngest demigod widen in horror.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Chrysaor's blocking arms bleed profusely with part of his face being scratched. His eyes shoot open from the pain. In Elysium, Medusa clutches herself with shaky breathing. Her motherly instincts tell her that her son was gravely injured.

Bellerophon steps back in shame as he looks at his blood-stained claws.

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