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A white blanket meets the gray blue surface of water. Takashi's boat is on the shore with his body laid close to it on the rocky beach. He wakes up in a fright and only sees black.

He breathes heavily and wonders if he is blind until he feels a soft cloth over his eyes. He immediately thinks of Poseidon and is scared. He feels around for his sword, but remembers he lost it from his attack. He then noticed his hands aren't broken since he can wiggle his fingers without pain. He figures it must have been his powers that healed him.

The sound of waves crashing on the shore can't be ignored. He picks up some nearby rocks to try and protect himself in case the sea god kidnapped him.

Crunching footsteps alarm him. He goes to take off his blindfold to make sure, but he is stopped with an unknown weapon against his head. A whispering voice warns him.

"Keep that cloth over your eyes, stranger! You are not safe here."

Part of him is relieved that it wasn't Poseidon. He guesses that the voice belongs to a man. He can sense the stranger is watching out for him, but why?

"I don't want any trouble. Where am I?"

"You are in Sarpedon. Medusa's hideaway spot."

Taki's body tenses up when he heard that name. He remembers reading about Medusa in his wife's paper and the scrolls of dangerous monsters. She can turn anyone to stone if they look directly at her eyes.

"Medusa?!", his voice rises unintentionally.

"Shh. Don't let her hear you. I managed to survive by being quiet. Eat this, you look hungry."

Taki offers his hand and feels something soft. The texture feels like bread, but it is sticky as well. He trusts the stranger and eats the bread to regain his strength. His tastebuds light up as he recognizes it was honey and a savory meat inside the bread. He feels famished so he takes more bites.

"Why did you come here?", the man asks.

"I wasn't meant to come here. I was on my way to Mt Delphi until Poseidon stopped me. He must have pushed me out here."

He remembers from memory that Sarpedon is in Northern Africa which puts him....further away from his destination. He tries to hide his anger, but it slips out.

"Damn it. He keeps getting in my way. I just want to go home", his voice breaks at the end.

He no longer feels the weapon against his head.

"Let's get you home then. Your boat and supplies are still intact. I replaced the rotten food with fresh things. I found you here with wounds, but you self-healed. Are you a demigod?"

"I don't know. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to help you to your boat. Do not remove your blindfold in case Medusa is around."

Taki listens and the stranger helps him up. The stranger's hand is unexpectedly soft.

"Can you walk?"

"I think so. Damn. That punch still hurts. That bastard", he winces as his ribs feel like they're on fire.

"You will make him pay someday. Just focus on living."

"Is my knapsack and tote bag nearby? Grind some mint and apply it to my side."

The man lays Takashi in the boat and he hears him grinding up the mint and applying some water to it. He feels his fur tunic being unloosened and lifted up. He could hear the man gasp from what Poseidon did to him.

"Is it that bad?"

"It is. But this mint should help reduce the remaining bruises."

The stranger applies the mint ointment to his bruises and Takashi grips the ends of the boat from the stinging sensation. His body shivers and finally calms down.

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