Perseus & Medusa Finale

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Author's Note: The ending of Medusa is credited to eros_bittersweet on Reddit!

Takashi, Heracles, and Echo have been leaning forward from the details of Perseus and Medusa's secret love. Tears, anger, and smiles were shared among the group.

Something nibbles away at Takashi's thoughts. That wave of emerald that caused Perseus' shipwreck. Similar in color to his own aura. 

There's no way I could have done something like that.

Echo plucks away the flowers that cover her face. "So romantic. I love stories with opposite lovers like that."

"What is that?" Chrysaor signs.

"Opposite lovers are those with different personalities, but they end up loving each other. Like your mother and father."

Chrysaor nods. However, heavy tears fall from his and his brother's eyes. Echo latches onto him to be there for him. Heracles and Taki are puzzled by how it happened.

"You didn't kill her, right?" The mighty son of Zeus asks.

"I didn't...Athena came to the island."

Their eyes almost shoot out of their sockets.

"Uncle Taki, after I helped you get off the island, she showed up days later," while his aura illustrates the rest.


Percy was walking with his family back to the house with a picnic basket in hand and the shield on his back. Medusa walked while wearing Takashi's shades for his protection. A sudden intensity of aura halted them. Their sons cried out of fear.

He dropped the basket to put his family behind him. He adjusted his eyes to find a scowling Athena hovering in the air.

"I gave you what you needed to do this task and made children with this monster?! You foolish man!"

"She is my wife and the mother of my children, Athena. She is everything I want and more. If that makes me a fool, then I'm the happiest fool in the world!"

She pointed her spear at him. "You had one task, brother. Do you see a future with her on this island?"

"I will not harm her, goddess. Just keep our deaths a secret and I will return the weapons you gave me. No one else has to know about it."

Her stoic lips almost curled downward. "So keep lying? Perseus, you are walking on thin ice."

"Please let us go, Athena. I will do anything-"

"No need. You have disgraced me with your actions."

"That's hypocritical coming from you," he shot back with a rumbling fire in his throat.

Her head tilted. "So, she told you her account of what happened? Nothing but lies!"

"You defended a rapist over your own servant, Athena! You are disgraceful!"


Her armor shined brightly with the raise of her spear. Using his advanced hearing, Perseus swung his shield down. The spear bounced off the unbreakable object. Athena's hands trembled from the attempt. A terrible idea came to her mind.

"Your head is stuffed with idiotic things like love for this creature. Here's an ultimatum for you: If Medusa isn't dead within 24 hours, you and your whole family will die on this island."

 "No, Athena! Just take the weapons and let us live!"

"You have to learn the hard way for lying."

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