Masks Off

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Golden-brown auras illustrate to Takashi what happened during his unconsciousness...

The pin symbol of a clam clattered near Aphrodite's feet. Chloe walked up to her true lover, Adonis, with a trembling hand to touch his face. A static jolt traveled down their spines. How right it felt to them.

With Eros' help and healing aura, Aphrodite stood up with some residual scarring from Eris' trap. Brittle words of shame came out of her voice. She freed Adonis from his love contract so he can freely be with Chloe without interruption.

The lovers softly joined hands before embracing each other for the time lost.

While Apollo was healing Takashi with gentle music, Aphrodite informed Zeus that Eris sent out the false invites to stir up the tension.

".....Thankfully, Hermes saved me and gave me some energy to fight."

The god-king nodded. "No longer can she trick anyone. I'm going to make sure that Hades is aware so she can receive her punishment. Although we dealt with one threat, we need to watch out for the final one."

Ariadne embraced Theseus with kisses peppering his face.

Theseus wiped her sobbing face. "You won't lose me," before kissing her back. A swell of redemption filled his heart from avenging his father. His legs then buckled from the battle fatigue.

Bellero threw an arm under his shoulder. "Let's get you to bed."

"Not here. Let's head back," Medea instructed.

"I'm going to stay here," the white-haired demigod objected.

"To say sorry for what you did to your future enemy? Don't bother."

"Leave if you want to."

"I'm staying here too," Bellero chimed in along with Narcissus.

The vain demigod explained that Echo may need protection after what happened. Another lie.

Medea let out a long exhale and gave in to their request. But only to stay for tonight.

Narcissus attended to a trembling Echo who's in Chrysaor's arms. The brass man's embrace drifted away to respect their relationship.

Apollo attended to Orpheus whose eyes are glazed with shame.

A firm arm wrapped around his student. "You will be stronger so it won't happen again. At least she can't hurt you anymore. Let's leave."

Musical notes materialized from Apollo's flute playing. Before hopping on, Orpheus told Heracles to relay his appreciation for Takashi's help. The mighty hero's embrace led him to tears that justice was done for Eurydice. Eyes of determination and respect exchanged between the family members of Zeus.

He hopped onto the musical note and flew away with his team.

Chrysaor scooped Takashi's body to take him to his room. A heartbroken Helena followed after them.

The god-king noticed his sons and walked over to them. "Sons, I know this is our first time-"

Percy's jab to the gut interrupted him. Astonishment filled up to the renewed ceiling. Aphrodite, Heracles, and even the King of Mt Olympus understood well the reason why.

"I'm sorry, my son."

Perseus kept punching him in the gut with tears welling up. He yelled at him why he couldn't save him and Medusa from Athena.

Zeus stopped his next punch and knelt down to his eye level. Regret filled his piercing blue eyes. 

"I had no choice. If I saved you both, the Fates would work against you for the rest of your life. Your family would have suffered far worse."

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