Chapter 6

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Five Days Later

"Tanjiro hasn't been acting like himself like he used to when he's around me over these few days. It almost looks like he's avoiding me. It's almost been a whole week. Did I do something wrong, or did something happen?" I thought to myself while being very worried, as I was hunting with the alpha pack again. "We've also been short on food lately, even though we go hunting everyday." I thought to myself while being worried now about the tribe. "Jeez, why are there so many stressful things happening right now?" I thought to myself while feeling mentally tired.

"I can't act normally around Tomioka-san anymore. I get flustered so easily." I thought to myself, while blushing and panicking. "I need some fresh air, and then I'll go to Kocho-san." I thought to myself while walking out of my home. "I'm glad that Tomioka-san replaced the door. It's way easier to get out, than going through the window." I thought to myself while smiling. "I'm also still not used to wearing such revealing clothing, but at least the clothing I'm wearing today isn't so revealing." I thought to myself while I was happily walking.

This is what Tanjiro is wearing.

Tanjiro"Now that I think about it, Tomioka-san always wears the same shorts ever since I met him

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"Now that I think about it, Tomioka-san always wears the same shorts ever since I met him. I should make him some new clothing." I thought to myself while smiling.

I was distracted from thinking about what style to make for Tomioka-san's clothing, when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I told them while bowing down half my body. "Ha! How pathetic! If it isn't the new omega. It seems like you at least know your place, wild omega!" I hear a rude woman's voice tell me. I look up and I see a woman around her twenties, while some alphas were with her. "Um...who are you?" I asked while being very confused, which seemed to surprise her. "Are you trying to mock me?! I could have killed you in an instant!" She yelled at me, while looking very angry. "Fine, I'll introduce myself." She simply told me, while I started feeling a headache of annoyance. "I'm Li Wei, and I'm the prettiest omega amongst the tribe. I'm also Giyuu's mate, so stay away from him and leave OUR tribe. Do you understand, wild omega?" She told me while smiling with pride.

 Do you understand, wild omega?" She told me while smiling with pride

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Something in me hurt when she said that Tomioka-san was her mate. "Did he lie to me? Was he just playing with me? Did he just want me, because I'm an omega? Does he not truly love me?" I thought to myself while I started tearing up, but then I felt something wrap around my waist, before I got pulled into someone's board, muscle chest. "Don't be delusional, woman! I would never be with someone like you, so stop spreading lies to my omega! I only love Tanjiro, and I will always only love Tanjiro as my omega! Do you understand?!" I hear Tomioka-san's voice yell with anger, which made me blush a lot. I saw a crowd start forming, but I decided to ignore it. I slowly look towards the woman, and I see her look at him surprised, but then she smirks. She takes off the fur cape that she was wearing, and drops it on the floor, before walking towards Tomioka-san.

"Hehe, no alpha can resist my charm. I'll make him my 30th mate!" The idiotic woman thought to herself with determination, while walking towards Giyuu. "This omega is completely the same as those I saw before." Giyuu thought to himself, while feeling hate and disgust against the omega. She shoves Tanjiro away, which already struck a nerve on Giyuu, but he tried to control his anger. She leaned very close to him, and started touching him. "Hmph, no alpha can resist my seducing." The idiotic woman thought to herself, while clinging onto Giyuu. Tanjiro was no longer scared of Giyuu leaving him or being tricked. He knew Giyuu loved him, so he trusted him.

When the omega touched me and was trying to seduce me, this was the last straw for me. I didn't want anyone else to touch me who isn't Tanjiro. I pushed the omega away with so much force that she fell to the ground. She started weeping, and yelling at me, but I ignored her completely. I picked up Tanjiro, bridal style, before licking the small tears he had in his eyes. "Are you alright?" I asked him while smiling gently. "Y-Yeah." He mumbled, while sounding shy and happy. I started taking him back home, as I ignored the crowd and the angry screams from the woman's alphas.

Once we were home, I slowly put Tanjiro down. "Thank you, Giyuu." He mumbled while not looking at me, but I heard him very clearly. I felt my ears twitch, as my tail started wagging at this. "You called me by my first name!" I told him happily, while hugging him. "Will...yeah. You're very special to me, because....I started f-falling for you." Tanjiro told me while smiling sincerely towards me. He was being honest, I know he is. It felt like it was a dream, but it isn't. This is actually real. I smiled at this, before gently kissing him. He seemed a little bit surprised by this, but then he closed his eyes, while wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I closed my eyes as will, and we started kissing passionately, as I was carrying him in my arms. "His lips are so soft, plump, and warm. They're also nicely kissable, and I don't want the kiss to stop." I thought to myself, while feeling really happy.

When we separated he was so embarrassed that he looked away. "May I use my tongue next time?" I asked him, while rubbing my nose on his scent glands, which made him slowly start purring. "W-What do you mean?" He asked, while his voice sounded shaky from trying to hold in his purrs. I chuckled at his innocence, and decided to not push further into the subject. "Never mind." I simply told him while smiling, and he seemed confused by this.

Cliff Hanger

Our Mate (Giyuu, Uzui, Rengoku, and Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now