Chapter 14

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After 3 three days, they finally made it and just in time, since the festival started tomorrow. Tanjiro was looking around with amazement, as he was sitting on Giyuu's back, while Giyuu started taking them to where they'll be staying for a couple of days.

"Oh it looks so comfortable." Tanjiro thought to himself once they made it to where they'll be staying.

"So the rumors are true! You've returned and with a mate." I hear a man's voice yell with pride, while Giyuu and I were organizing the things that we brought. Giyuu seemed to stiffen by this. I turn around to where I heard the voice, and I see a guy with peach hair, with a scar on his cheek. "Um...who might you be?" I asked while being curious. "My name is Sabito, and I'm the best friend of Giyuu." He told me, as he wrapped his arm around Giyuu's neck. "Sabito there you are I was so worried about you." I hear a kind, worried, woman's voice. "Oh, I'm sorry Makomo. I was just excited that Giyuu returned and with a mate." He told the woman while he went towards her. I turn to see a short woman, who looks very kind. "Hello, I'm Makomo and Sabito is my mate. What's your name?" The woman told me while smiling. "Oh, my name is Tanjiro. It's nice to meet you." I told her while smiling. "I'm surprised that Giyuu meet such a kind omega like. There isn't much like those anymore." Sabito-kun told me as he was holding Makomo-chan's hand. "Urokodaki will be so happy to see you with a mate, Giyuu." Makomo told Giyuu, and I see him look embarrassed. "He's so childish, that he reminds me of my siblings." I thought to myself while smiling, before petting his head. "Oh, seems like Giyuu is losing all his manliness and cool." Sabito teased, as Makomo let out a giggle. "We'll be going now. We hope to see you later." Makomo told us, as they left. "Jeez they always act this way, it's so embarrassing." I hear Giyuu grumble. "I think that's just their way of showing that they care about you." I told him while smiling. "Also, who's Urdokodaki, and how did you meet Sabito and Makomo?" I aksed him with curiosity. "He's my master who trained me how to fight, but I think of him as my grandpa. Sabito and Makomo also think of him that way. Makomo and Sabito were also trained by Urdokodaki the same time I was, so that's why I know them." Giyuu explained to me. "Could we go visit him right now? He sounds very special to you." I told him and he seemed a little surprised by this.

"Tanjiro wants to meet Urokodaki? He truly is special. No omega ever asks to go see their mates, family or friends, so this is just so new to me." I thought to myself while my tail was wagging with joy. "Sure." I simply told him while trying to hide my happiness and excitement. "But first I should check if he's home and not busy. I don't want to bother him with his work or anything like that." I told him and he nodded in understanding. "You should be fine alone, since you have my mark and scent on you, but I don't want to leave you alone." I told him, but then I felt him pet my head. "I'll be fine. Don't worry too much about me." He told me as he tried to make me trust him, which worked. "Alright." I told him before I left.

"Now I have time to make Giyuu's new clothing." I thought to myself while smiling. I get out a gold coin from the pouch that was in our luggage, before I got ready to leave. "I don't think he'll mind me going." I thought to myself while remembering a fabric clothes shop near the place that we're staying at. I get out of the place and make sure that no one could burge in, before I left. I felt a lot of eyes staring at me, but I decided to ignore it. I see the small stand and run up to it. "Oh my aren't you quiet a beautiful omega." The beta woman from the stand told me while smiling. "Oh...t-thank you." I told her while being flustered. "Do you see anything you like, hon?" She asked me, as I was looking around, but then I spot the perfet fabric for Giyuu. "Yeah, I want those, please." I told her while pointing at the black, thin fabric. "Oh you have a good eye." She told me as she got them down from the hanger. "Do you want us to make your clothes, or will your alpha make it for you? If your alpha is going to make it, do they have the materials?" She asked me kindly. "Oh no. I'm making them for my alpha, since he's always so wonderful to me. It's a gift for him. Also, may I get the sewing supplies, please." I told her while smiling and she seemed surprised by this. "Oh my, aren't you such a generous omega. I've never met one like you." She told me while seeming amazed by this. "Oh right this type of behavior for an omega is unusual here." I thought to myself while blushing with embarrassment. "Oh don't be embarrassed. It's very sweet of you." She told me while giving me the bag with the fabric. "That'll be one fifty silver coins." She told me, but then I flinched. "I only have this." I told her while showing her a gold coin, and she seemed very surprised by this. "T-That's to much money." She told me while sounding nervous and scared, which confused me. "I always see Giyuu give this much to the people he buys things from." I thought to myself. "But I don't have anything else." I told her while still offering the coin. "Are you sure?" She asked me while she started calming down. "Yes." I told her, before she slowly took it. "Anyways I gotta go. Bye." I told her before walking away.

"This omega is something else." The woman thought to herself, as she tried to calm down her nervousness, while she saw a big crowd near her stall. "There's nothing to see here folks!" She yelled while trying to shoo them away, which sort of worked.

Cliff Hanger

Our Mate (Giyuu, Uzui, Rengoku, and Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now