Chapter 60

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"Giyuu, how am I doing? Does it hurt?" Tanjiro asked while massaging Giyuu's back, but Giyuu just let out a sigh of how exhausted he was. He also has his hair tied up to allow Tanjiro more access to his back without his hair being in the way. "It's not good for you to be falling asleep!" Tanjiro jokingly told Giyuu while smiling, as he added pressure where Giyuu felt sour from laying in bed for a long time. "I'm not falling asleep." Giyuu simply told Tanjiro while he had his eyes closed from being relaxed.

" Giyuu simply told Tanjiro while he had his eyes closed from being relaxed

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"That's what you deserve for sleeping for so long." Tanjiro told Giyuu, after he finished massaging Giyuu. "In my defense, I was really comfortable" Giyuu mumble, as he started dozing off, but Tanjiro pinched him on the side to wake him up. Giyuu just let out a small growl from the pain, before he let his hair down since Tanjiro was done massaging him.

A minute later, Tanjiro ended up talking about some plans for what they should do for the day. He also sounded very happy and really excited about it, while Giyuu just smiled as he listened to his omega.

 He also sounded very happy and really excited about it, while Giyuu just smiled as he listened to his omega

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"Woah, everything looks so amazing." Tanjiro thought to himself as he saw how lively everything looked, while Giyuu just followed behind. "He looks so happy and adorable." Giyuu thought to himself while smiling. "Giyuu, could we go to that shop first? I saw something that I want to buy for Kaito." Tanjiro told Giyuu and he just nodded in agreement.

1 Hour Later

"Tanjiro, I'll be right back. I saw something that got my interest." Giyuu told Tanjiro and he nodded, before Giyuu left. "At least I get a small break, because god dang do my feet hurt from walking so long." Tanjiro thought to himself while smiling, as he sat under a tree with the stuff that they bought. "I wonder how cute Kaito's reaction will be once he sees his gifts that I bought for him?" Tanjiro thought to himself with interest.

A few minutes later, he was taking a nap when all of a sudden he heard a lot of commotion. He slowly opened his, before yawing and rubbing his eyes. He strected out a little bit, before looking around to see what was happening. His eyes widen in surprise when he saw women and omegas being taken, while children, alphas, and betas were being slaughter. He immediately stood up, but carefully to be quiet and to not catch people's attention. He grabbed his stuff, before slowly leaving deeper in the forest.

"Help! Protect my pups! Someone save me!" Giyuu heard yelling after he finished buying the item that got his interest. He turned to see what was the commotion about and was surprised to see abounded alphas. They were the ones who were causing the commotion. He quickly ran to the mother who was yelling for her pups, before killing the guy who tried to drag her in a carriage. Her pups immediately ran to her while crying. "What happened? Where's your alpha?" Giyuu asked while kneeling to be at her height. "They just came here...and started attacking for no reason. T-They...also k-killed my alpha." She cried and this made Giyuu worry about Tanjiro. "Hurry and get somewhere safe." Is all Giyuu told her, before blocking her from people's sight, so she could run away. She immediately did that, while she made sure that her children followed close by.

Once she left somewhere safe, Giyuu immediately turned to his wolf form before running off to find Tanjiro.

Tanjiro heard someone yelling in fear so he looked from behind a tree to see a woman about to be raped by two alphas. Tanjiro threw one of the bags to one of the alphas as a distraction, before running to the second alpha. He kicked the alpha on the chin, which broke the alpha's jaw and made the alpha fall to the ground. He quickly picked up the woman bridal style, before running off with her. "Are you okay?" Tanjiro asked her, while the alpha that Tanjiro threw his stuff at, was chasing after them. "Yes, and it's all thanks to you." She told him while being grateful to the boy, but Tanjiro became distracted when he saw a cliff. "Dammit we're cornered." Tanjiro thought to himself, while stoping on his tracks before he looked back to see the alpha catching up to them in their animal form. His eyes widen when he saw a big white tiger jump on the alpha, and immediately kill it. "Master Tengen!" The woman yelled while being happy, which made Tanjiro relax because that meant that the white tiger wasn't an enemy. The tiger looks back at Tanjiro and the woman, before he transformed into his human form. He has white, long hair and dark pink eyes. He was also wearing something fancier than normal alphas, and he looked very muscular, but only one thing caught Tanjiro's attention the most. "God damn, he's tall." Tanjiro thought to himself with wide eyes from being in shock, before gently putting the woman down. The woman immediately ran up to the white hair alpha, before hugging him. This made Tanjiro smile from the nice scenario that was infront of him. "Thank you cutie, for saving my omega. I own you one." He told Tanjiro while being thankful and flirty, but Tanjiro became embarrassed by the nickname that the alpha called him. "Oh it was really nothing. I was just doing what I could. A-Also, the name is Tanjiro not...cutie." Tanjiro told him and the alpha just chuckled. "Whatever you say. Oh, and I'm Tengen by the way." He simply told Tanjiro, before he put his omega on his shoulder. "And I'm Hinatsuru." The omega told Tanjiro while smiling. "Anyways, Master Tengen, we should get going to see if Suma and Makio are still okay." The woman told Tengen and he nodded in agreement. "We'll be going now. Take care." Was all Tengen said as the omega waved good-bye, before they left.

Cliff Hanger

Our Mate (Giyuu, Uzui, Rengoku, and Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now