Chapter 50

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One Week Later

Everything went back to normal and whatever Giyuu told Shinubo seemed to work, because she seemed more like herself now, which made me very happy. Kanao also seemed to slowly forget about why Shinubo was acting so strange.

Anyways, I was fishing with Kaito at the river. It was just him and I today, since everyone else was busy with something else. "Kaito, don't go too far! You might drown!" I told him while being worried. He just barked at me, before walking back towards me. I sighed from relief, before checking the basket that was becoming full of fish. "Seems we're already halfway full. I'm glad." I thought to myself while smiling, but then I heard Kaito start barking. He sounded panicked and worried, so I turned around to see a floating body. My eyes widen at this, and I quickly go towards the body. I pull the body out and I see that it's a guy. "He's still breathing." I thought to myself, before I started doing cpr.

When I slowly started opening my eyes, I saw a boy have his lips on mine. This made my eyes widen, before I started coughing out water, once he separated from my lips. "Oh thank goodness that you're okay." He told me while smiling, as he helped me set up. "W...What happened? Where am I?" I asked him, while slowly looking around. "You're at the wolf tribe, and we found you passed out while floating in the water." He told me, and I was confused by what he meant by then I saw a small wolf pup staring at me. " he's probably an omega for him to have a pup with him." I thought to myself. "Do you remember what happened before we found you?" He asked me, and I shook my head. "Oh I see. Do you at least remember your name or something like that?" He asked while being concerned. "Uh...I'm...Muichiro Tokito." I told him blankly. "Anything else. Like....where are you from?" He told me, but I couldn't remember. "I don't know. My memories feel blurry." I told him with honesty, while not even trying to remember, because I felt too tired. "Oh...I see. Then how about we go to my tribe. There's a very good doctor that could help you. Also, my name is Tanjiro Kamado, and this is Kaito. He's my pup." He told me while standing up, before lending me a hand. I grabbed his hand, before he helped me to stand up.

Kanao and I were were cleaning some things out that we no longer needed, but then I heard a knock on the door. "Shinubo, are you home?!" I hear Tanjiro yell from outside. "I wonder what he needs?" I thought to myself while smiling, before opening the door, but then I was surprised to see some random guy next to him that didn't even seem familiar. "Shinubo, Muichiro-sama needs a checkup. I found him almost drown to death, and I think he lost his memories." He told me, which explained everything on who this person was and why I didn't see him before. "Alright." I simply told him, before allowing them to walk in.

"Okay, so this boy is in horrible condition. He zones out, and barely remembers anything. He'll need to stay here until his memory is back or at least until he pays more attention to his surroundings, but besides that he's fine." I explained Tanjiro, and he nodded in understanding.

Night Time and in Tanjiro's Dream

"I'm sorry but your son has very severe injuries after the accident. We will try everything to save him, but there is little to no hope." I heard the doctor tell my mother, as she started crying. "'s fine. Look at the bright side, at least Rokuta is doing better than me." I told her while smiling as I tried to act brave in front of her to show that I wasn't affected by this whole situation, when in reality I was. "No, it's not fine! That bastard just did a hit and run, and the police can't even find him!" My mother yelled, while sobbing like when she learned that father got sick of an unknown illness. "Mom, please calm down. You'll wake up all the other patients. Listen, if I didn't push Rokuta out of the way he would probably not even be here. Remember, I'm the oldest of my siblings, so I have to do whatever I can to protect them." I told her while holding her hand gently.

Later, the doctor told us that they couldn't do anything for me because we didn't have the money. The most they could do was allow me to stay here until I died. They also told me that I had exactly two days. "I don't want my brother to die!" Hanako cried out, while Nezuko rubbed her back to calm her down. "It's not fair! We could have paid them little by little, and be in debt! They're so useless!" Takeo yelled in anger as he tried to hold in his tears while clenching his fists. Shigeru nodded in agreement at this, while trying to wipe his tears away. Rokuta was crying in my mother's arms, and all of this made me feel horrible. I wanted to stay longer with them, but...I couldn't.

"If only that guy wasn't speeding and didn't pass the red light, while we were crossing. Then maybe, everything would have been different." I thought to myself while everyone was asleep.

End Of Dream

I gasped out when I woke up, while sitting up very quickly. I held my hand near my heart, while clenching my shirt. I could hear myself breathing heavily, while I was sweating. "Why did I have to remember that? Why now?" I thought to myself while crying. "Tanjiro, are you okay?" Giyuu asked me while sounding worried, as he sat up. "Is everything alright?" Kyojuro asked, while also waking up. "I-I'm...fine." I told them, while trying to act normal.

Giyuu and Kyojuro looked at each other with worried looks, before gently hugging Tanjiro and releasing their calming scents to comfort Tanjiro.

Cliff Hanger

Our Mate (Giyuu, Uzui, Rengoku, and Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now