Star gazing

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"EDDIE!" You shrieked as he chased you around the woods. You quickly hid behind a large tree as you caught your breath. The sun was setting and you two had been out all day.

Your parents had given you a curfew of 9:30. But your best friend decided he was going to chase you into the woods as he tried to tickle you to death. You jumped when Eddie jumped out at you. You two laughed as you hit him playfully. "You jerk!" You smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

Let's be honest. Everyone thinks your dating, even your parents and his uncle. You two were inseparable since the 5th grade. Hell, you were even held back together because you mainly skipped classes and did stupid stuff together. You two would walk hand in hand, share drinks and meals, tell each other you loved one another, you often sitting on his lap. You couldn't lie to yourself, you found Eddie attractive and you were always attracted to him from the moment you met. You just pushed the feelings away, not wanting to ruin your perfect friendship. A part of you both knew you had feelings for each other but neither of you were ready to make the move. 

"Hey I got a new place to show you," he smiled down at you.

"That so?" You smiled back. He nodded and took your hand. "Show me the way Munson." He snickered and dragged you with him. "So how'd you find this spot anyway?" You asked.

"Got bored one night while you were on a camping trip and went out for a walk." He explained. The sun was almost gone as you followed him deeper into the forest. "You know sweetheart," he started. Sweetheart, god how that nickname sent butterflies to your stomach every time. "We've been friends for a long time." He smiled. You nodded, smiling to yourself.

"Remember how we met?" You giggled.

"How could I forget?" He laughed. "Jason was picking on you for your pig tails and I threw rocks at him. He got so pissed so I took your hand and we ran into this very forest." He sighed. "Those were the good old days huh?" He looked down at you. You nodded. "We're here," he smiled. The sun had completely disappeared and your eyes widened when you saw a hill with a beautiful tree on the top of it. You smiled up at him and pulled him up the hill.

"This is so cool!" You looked off into the distance. You could see a lot of the town and on the other side more forest but it was beautiful. The stars were scattered everywhere in the sky and you smiled up at them. You felt like you were being watched and you looked over to see Eddie smiling at you. "What?" You giggled.

"You're so beautiful (y/n)," he told you. His voice was soft and loving. You'd only ever heard him talk to his guitar like this.

"You're not so hard on the eyes yourself," you teased.

"(Y/n/n)," he whined.

"What?!" You laughed.

"I was trying to be romantic," he pouted.

"Romantic? Now why would you do that?" You smiled up at him.

"Because I love you (y/n)." His face was serious this time.

"When you say that you mean.." you felt like it was hard to breathe.

"I mean it, I've loved you since I first saw you. And I just can't take not being yours anymore." He admitted.

"I can't either," you told him. He smiled and his hands went up to your cheeks.

"May I?" He smiled.

"You may," you snickered. He chuckled and leaned down, pulling you into a gentle kiss. You couldn't help but smile as your dreams were becoming a reality. You had pictured this moment so many times in your head but this was better than what you could imagine. He pulled away.

"Yes!" He fist bumped the air. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he smiled. You laughed and grabbed his pocket knife.

"Come here dork," you walked closer to the tree and carved your initials into the dark bark. You smile and looked up at him, holding out the blade. He smiled and took the knife from you, carving his initials beside yours. You then took the knife back and carved a heart around your initials. You closed it and gave him the knife back. You then started to climb the tree and you sat on a branch. You watched as Eddie slightly struggled up making you giggle. He then reached you and you two sat on the large branch together.

The cold air caused you to shiver and Eddie took notice. He shrugged his leather jacket off and draped it over your shoulders. The warmth and smell of cigarettes, woods, and cologne brought you comfort. You fully put on the jacket and leaned against him as you two watched the stars. His arm snaked around you, his hand on your waist. You both noticed a shooting star. "How cliché, a shooting star." He smiled down at you. You laughed and cuddled up against him. "You gonna make a wish?" He smiled. You nodded.

"Why not?" You smiled. You remained quiet so only you knew what you had wished for.

"What'd you wish for?" He whispered in your ear.

"A new drum set," you joked.

"Cute, what did you wish for really?" He smiled.

"If I told you it wouldn't come true now would it?" You smirked. He sighed and nodded.

"You got me there," he pecked your cheek. He looked down at his watch. It was almost your curfew. "We need to get going otherwise your parents might not let me take you on a date tomorrow." He told you.

"We're going on a date?" You smiled.

"Of course we are," he pecked you on the lips. He hopped from the tree first and he held his arms out for you. You jumped landing a little off balance and he helped you regain your footing. He smiled down at you as you held him tightly, your hands griping his hellfire t-shirt. He took your hand and you started home.

You weren't sure if he knew or not but your wish was to have him forever. And little did you know that wish would stick with you two for the rest of your life.

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