Make it up to me (pt. 1)

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You smiled as you saw Eddie lean against his van as he waited for you. You walked over and giggled as he bright you into a tight hug. "How's my girl?" He asked you.

"I'm okay," you replied, looking up at him.

"Just okay?" He questioned.

"Well, it's definitely better since I'm back with my best friend." You told him.

"Good, now get in, I got to get you home quick since I have a buddy coming over in a little bit before you come over for dinner." He told you. You rushed over to the passenger side and got in while got in on the opposite side.

"So who's this friend?" You questioned.

"Um we met at one of my gigs last week." He said nervously.

"Oh okay," you simply replied, taking notice to his behavior.

You and Eddie have been best friends since kindergarten and now you were both in your senior year of high school. You were both perfect opposites so many were surprised to see you both so close.

Eddie had this "bad boy" persona thing and you had this "shy and innocent" persona. He wore dark clothes and listened to heavy metal while you dressed in cute skirts and bright colors and you listened to pop music.

He loved to party and though girls would be all over him when you both partied he would turn them down, always telling you that you were the only girl for him.

He drove as he told you about his plans for you both. You weren't really parting much attention to what he was saying. You were too busy admiring his eyes and how happy he was. You've been in love with your best friend for years. At times you'd think he felt the same and you truly felt like he loved you just as much.

Once you got home Eddie got out of the van like he always did and walked you to your front door. He placed a light peck to your cheek as he smiled down at you. "I'll see you at 6." He told you.

"See you," you smiled back as you unlocked your door and watched him run to the van. You went inside and sat on the couch to watch tv before going to study.

You had to be at Eddie's in 30 minutes and so you checked in the mirror to make sure you didn't have to touch up anything. You looked beautiful as always so you left.

You sang along to your Mötley Crüe tape that Eddie had gotten you for your 17th birthday a few years back.

You pulled up to his trailer and parked. The lights were dim as little bits of light shown through the covered windows. You walked up and turned the knob, it was locked. You pulled out your keys and unlocked the door with your spare key.

You then opened it to see Eddie on the couch with another girl, her head between his legs as her clothes were scattered around the room his eyes met yours and you both froze.

"Oh god," you quickly turned and shut the door, rushing to your car. You sat in your seat and gripped the steering wheel as you tried to comprehend what had just occurred. "Oh my god," you muttered as you buried your face in your hands. You heard the front door open and you looked up to see the girl fully dressed and she walked out, she almost looked upset. Eddie then quickly ran out and to your car. You kept your eyes on your dashboard as he opened your door.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry you had to see that." He told you.

"Mhmm." You didn't move, you didn't even want to look at him, embarrassment and jealousy taking over.

"Will you look at me?" He sighed. You shook your head. "Are you mad? Uncomfortable? Disappointed? Talk to me please." He begged.

"Eddie, who is she?" You asked, ignoring what he had asked previously.

"I'll tell you just come inside with me please." He pleaded. You hesitated before nodding. You followed him inside and your eyes staid on the ground as you walked to his room. He sat on his bed, expecting you to sit beside him like usual. He sighed when he saw you just stand there stiff, not wanting to touch anything. "My bed is clean, I washed the sheets and everything because I know you like to sleepover sometimes." He told you. You sighed and sat beside him.

"Are you going to tell me who she is or no?" You asked.

"Yeah, she's just a friend." He told you.

"Eddie, friends don't suck you off." You looked at him.

"I know," he sighed. "She's just a girl I hook up with there's no feeling attached." He shook his head. The words made your heart falter.

"How long have you been seeing her?" You questioned.

"About a month," he admitted. "Can I ask what you're feeling right now?" He questioned.

"Gross," you simply replied.

"Why?" He tilted his head, trying to understand.

"BECAUSE EDDIE!" You snapped. "I just walked in on your hooking up with some girl and if I didn't I'd probably be sitting on that couch eating dinner with you!" You told him.

"Look it's not a big deal," he told you.

"Not a big deal," you repeated with a scoff.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so upset?!" He stood and looked down at you. You quickly stood and got in is face.

"IM UPSET BECAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" You yelled. Your eyes widened as you realized. Part of you felt relieved that he knew now but the other part of you just wanted to kick yourself.

"What?" He blinked a few times.

"I love you, Eddie. I have since you took that toy car from me in Kindergarten." You snickered lightly at the memory. "I'm just stupid for thinking that you felt the same." You told him. He shook his head.

"You're the smartest girl I know." He took your hands and he noticed how you kind of pulled away. "I washed my hands," he reassured you. You relaxed and he smiled. "I only do things like this, because I thought I didn't have a chance with you. I thought I'd have to settle with a sleazy girl. I never thought someone like you could love someone like me, so I'm sorry. You're my girl, the only girl that's ever mattered to me." He told you, making you question a lot of things.

"Sure Eds," you sighed as you rolled your eyes.

"I'll prove to you just how much I love you. Just let me show you." He told you.

Something in you switched and you shoved him onto the bed.

"No, let me show you how much better I am." You glared at him.

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