The rancher (pt.2)

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You guided Eddie over to the chicken coop. You opened the hatch so they could walk around their pen. He smiled like a young child as he looked between you and the birds. "Can I hold one?" He asked.

"Sure, if you can pick one up." You snickered

"Watch me," he taunted as he opens the gate and closed it behind him. You leaned against the post with a smug smile. He crept up to one and quickly reached for it but it ran away. He chased them around as you laughed at his struggle. "COME HERE!" He yelled as he almost grabbed one but it pecked his hand harshly. "Jerk," he smacked it. It then tried to peck his feet which made him turn and run. "IM SORRY!" He screamed as the hen chased him around the pin the other chickens squawking in panic. Tears were starting to form and your sides hurt from how hard you were laughing. He eventually climbed on top of the feeding bin and dove over the fence, landing in his back. The hen just watched him through the wired fence. "Yeah, fuck you too." He flipped her off before laying back down. You walked over and bent down, looking down at him as he panted.

You shook your head and walked over to the pin and hopped inside. You picked up the nicest one of the coop and walked out of the pin. You walked back over to Eddie and he sat up. You placed the hen in his arms and he cradled it. "You seem nice." He sighed.

"This is Kayla, the one you pissed of is Cindy." You told him.

"Noted." He sighed as he stroked the bird in his arms. "So only cows and chickens?" He looked up at you.

"Nope, we have two pigs and four piglets." You told him. "Oh and my two dogs." You added.

"Tell me where." He told you sternly. You giggled and took Kayla from him and placed her in the pin.

"What first?" You smiled.

"Dogs then pigs." He told you. You held out your hand and he took it. You pulled him up to his feet and you couldn't help but look up at him. He smiled down at you as he raised his eyebrows. You then whistled earning a confused look from Eddie.

"Give it a second," you told him. He nodded and the sound of quick footsteps were heard. You both turned to see your pitbull and your Australian Shepherd. They both ran into Eddie and immediately started sniffing. You smiled as he scratched behind their ears. "The pitbull is Rocky and the Australian Shepherd is Lola." You told him. He got on his knees and hugged them as they both locked his face repeatedly. You noticed the sun was starting to set. "Dinner will be done soon," you said, thinking out loud.

"How do you know?" Eddie asked.

"My grandfather likes to keep everything on a schedule so if I'm right it'll be done in 10 minutes or so." You told him.

"Can I see the pigs?" He smiled. You nodded and he stood. The dogs followed him as he followed you. You led him to the pig pen. He gasped when he saw the piglets. "Can I have one?" He looked at you.

"Well when you come back everyday they'll pretty much be yours." You told him.

"Did I get the job?" He smiled. You nodded.

"You'd be working from 7 A.M to 7 P.M. 4 dollars an hour. 7 days a week, is that okay?" You told him.

"Perfect." He nodded.

"Great," you smiled. He hugged you tightly.

"Thank you so much," he let you go and you brought him to the back door.

"Take your boots off," you told him as he was about to walk inside. "Can't be tracking mud inside." You told him as you kicked your boots off, your mismatched socks making Eddie snicker. "Shut up, Rocky tends to tear up my socks." You laughed.

"(Y/n)? Who are you talking to?" You heard your grandfather ask from inside.

"Our new ranch hand," you answered as you walked inside. Eddie followed you through the living room and into the kitchen.

"Just in time," he said as he plated three plates of stake, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. You sat at the table with Eddie and your grandfather turned, his eyes widening slightly. "Wayne's nephew right?" He questioned as he set the plates down.

"Yes sir," Eddie nodded respectfully. You started to eat as they talked.

"Have you had experience with ranch work?" Your grandfather asked.

"Nope, none whatsoever." Eddie replied. Your grandfather looked at you. "But
(Y/n)'s a good teacher, I'll catch on." He reassured him.

"I wasn't worried," he told him. "Your uncle home tonight?" He asked. Eddie nodded. Your grandfather stood and made an extra plate and wrapped it in tin foil. He walked back over and handed it to Eddie. "He raised a good kid," he pat his back before sitting and confusing to eat. Eddie looked at you and you smiled earning a smile in return. "Make sure you get here on time, so that way you don't miss breakfast." He told him.

"You don't have to cook for me." Eddie shook his head.

"You're my ranch hand and you're gonna be working outside all day, I have to make sure you're fed and well bodied." He insisted. "Also if I offer you food, never turn it down, because she'll also make you eat." He pointed to you.

"It's true," you giggled.

"Got it," Eddie nodded with a laugh. "And thank you both for this job, and dinner." He smiled.

"Of course Ed's." You smiled.

"No problem, just one thing," your grandfather sighed. "I see the way you look at each other, I don't need any more mouths to feed so no going upstairs." He pointed at Eddie, causing him to choke on his food. You quickly pat his back to help him and his coughing fit resigned.

"What?" He looked at your grandfather.

"I'm not an idiot, I know love when I see it." He told you both. You looked at each other with smiles.

"So do you?" You asked Eddie.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He chuckled.

"Y'all take too long," your grandfather stood and walked over to the sink.

"Yeah, I love you." You admitted.

"Well, I love you too, and I have since we first met." He told you. You smiled and hugged him. "I should get going though, I still have to drop off those bags to Robin." He sighed.

"I'll walk you." You told him. He nodded and stood with you. He walked over to your grandfather and shook his hand.

"Thank you sir," he smiled.

"No problem," he nodded. "See you here, 7 on the dot." He then walked out of the kitchen. You and Eddie walked back out to the porch and got your boots on and you walked him to his van.

"So I'll see you tomorrow," you smiled.

"Yup, 7 on the dot." He nodded with a smile. You hugged him and to your surprise he took your chin with his fingers and kissed you gently. He pulled away just as fast as it happened and he opened the door of his van. "Bye (Y/n)." He smiled lovingly.

"Bye Eds." You smiled back. He then shut him door and you watched him drive off. You walked back inside your house feeling like you were on cloud 9.

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