Secret lover

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"Eddie," you giggled as he kissed your neck. "Stop, I have to get to class," you told him.

"So what? You can finish your essay tonight." He whined.

"What if people see? We wanted to keep this a secret right?" You looked at him. He sighed and sat up.

"You're right," he opened the door of his van and helped you out. "I'll escort you to class," he smiled.

"Such a gentleman," you winked.

"You know it sweetheart," he looked around before pecking you on the lips. He walked to to class and the halls were empty. "I'll take you out after class, I saved enough to go to the vinyl store." He told you.

"Sounds perfect, but won't I see you at lunch?" You kissed him gently before pulling away.

"Maybe the guys need me to help tune some stuff." He told you. You nodded, knowing that they had to prepare for tomorrow night's gig.

"Okay, I'll see you around then," you kissed him once again. "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled as you walked into class. You rushed to your seat and pulled out your English textbook.

You and Eddie have been dating for a little over a month and no one knew. You two decided to keep it a secret to save all the teasing. You guys liked it, well he kind of liked it, he wished he could show you off to everyone so they knew you were his and he was yours. Though you weren't the most popular, you were thought of as one of the most beautiful in the whole school.


You sat in your seat at lunch with Dustin and Mike. "So how's things?" You asked the two boys.

"Good, I get to see El soon," Mike smiled. You smiled back and looked at Dustin.

"Susie changed my D in Spanish to an A-." He told you.

"I feel like that's illegal but good for you," you snickered.

"(Y/n)!" You heard an annoyingly familiar voice call out. You sighed and turned to see Jason.

"What do you want?" You asked him.

"Come here," he ordered. You rolled your eyes and stood from your seat, walking over.

"What?" You glared up at him.

"Chrissy's gone on a trip this week and I was wondering," his hand found a way to your ass. You smacked his hand away.

"Get the hell away from me!" You glared at him.

"Don't hit me! Do you know who I am?!" He glared at you.

"Yes, however I don't care." You turned to leave. He then grabbed your wrist. Eddie had just walked into the cafeteria and his eyes widened. You quickly turned and with as much force as you could, smacked him in the face. The contact was so loud that everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over, gasping that someone had just hit Jason. He let you go and held his cheek. He brought his hand away as you stepped away from him. A very bright red hand print was left on his face. "Touch me again and it won't just be your face and your ego in pain," you threatened before turning and running to Eddie. You quickly held onto him as he hugged you back. Dustin and Mike came running over.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asked.

"Stay with her," Eddie told them. "Come on," he pulled you out of the room with the two boys and he went back into the cafeteria.

"Dustin go get him before he does something stupid." You told him. He nodded and ran back in. You could hear Eddie yelling and Dustin trying to defuse the situation. "I need to go back in there." You looked at Mike. He hesitated before walking in, you following. You ran over to Eddie, who was being held back by Dustin. "Eddie, don't." You told him.

"He touched you!" He argued.

"I can't have you getting suspended, sit down," you told him. "Please baby, listen to me." You pleaded.

"Baby?" Dustin and Jason questioned in unison.

"You all heard me, now Dustin take him," you then turned to Jason. "I'm telling you right here and right now, you need to learn some respect. You have a girlfriend that loves you and trusts you, the fact you even tried makes me loose so much respect, not that I had any before, but understand that you needed to be put in your place and I did that. Now sit your ass down with your little basketball team or I'll be shoving my foot up your ass and my boyfriend will also take part in beating your pathetic ass. Do you understand me?" You snapped. He just stared at you before sighing with a nod. "Good," you turned to walk away. "Oh Jason," you turned to look at him again. "One last thing." You stuck up your middle finger before turning around again to see Dustin and Mike laughing. Eddie however still looked upset. You walked over to him and placed your hands on the sides of his face.

"I should've been here," he sighed.

"No, don't say that. I'm okay, see," you spun around for him. "I'm okay." You pulled him into a soft kiss. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I love you," you ran your hand through his soft hair.

"I love you too," he smiled. "That was a nice hit," he chuckled. You laughed and nodded.

"So how long has this been going on?" Mike asked.

"And why didn't we know?" Dustin added.

"It's been going on for a month and a few weeks." Eddie smiled.

"You didn't know because we just wanted to see how it worked first before we went telling you guys." You told them. They nodded.

"Well, it's cute. I think it works." Dustin smiled.

"I do too," you kissed Eddie on the forehead. "We still good for tonight?" You asked. He nodded. "Will you let me pay this time?" You begged.

"Never," he smirked.

"I will when your not looking," you pecked his nose.

"Okay, get a room," Mike made a face. You grabbed an almond and threw it at him. "Hey!" He backed up.

"You got El, let me have this," you shot him a look. "Come on Eddie, let's go make out in your van," you pulled him from his seat and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

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