The bands server

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The hideout. A place you never thought you'd be working. Also a place you'd never enjoyed being with the exception of Friday nights. Every Friday you'd rush into the little pub and wait anxiously for the preforming band to come in. Though you didn't like your job, you were the best at it so the manger has you work behind the bar and serve the preforming bands.

Anastasia or Ann, the only girl who was a decent human towards you at work walked over with a smile. "They here yet?" She asked. You shook your head. "Damn," she sighed.

"Who is he?" You smirked knowing she had fallen for one of the band members of Corroded Coffin.

"The drummer," her face flushed bright red as she played with the pins on her apron. "Any luck with the singer?" She asked.

"Singer and guitarist," you corrected. "Nope, I bet he doesn't even care. I don't even have time to talk to him." You sighed. She nodded.

"I get it," she looked over to see some of your coworkers setting the stage up. "They're here," she sang in an eerie voice. You swatted her arm playfully.

"Shut up," you laughed.

"Go do your job before you don't have one." She ushered you to the door that led backstage. "And hand this to the drummer will ya'," she handed you a cocktail napkin with her phone number written on it.

"Will do," you walked through the door and down to their green room. You knocked the door and waited patiently. Your heart quickened as the door opened and there stood the guy you'd been fangirling about all day. You looked up into his pretty brown eyes and smiled. "Hi," you handed him a menu. He took it and smiled at you.

"Hey, how's your day been so far?" He asked as he looked through the pages.

"Pretty good, what about yours?" You watched as he leaned against the door frame, his eyes meeting yours.

"Sucky until now," he winked at you. You snickered softly, hanging your head to hide your bashful smile. You then remembered Ann's note.

"Im sorry to do this but my friend wanted me to pass this to your drummer." You handed him the napkin. He looked at it and smiled.

"The kids got game, I'll give him that." He chuckled. "Gareth," he called. The curly haired boy walked over.

"Yeah?" He looked at his friend. He was then handed the napkin. "Who's this from?" Gareth questioned.

"My friend Ann, she's a bartender so look for her and give her a call." You smiled. He smiled back and nodded, walking away. "Um, are you ready to order?" You asked.

"Yup," Eddie handed you the menu as you got out your notepad. "Four beers, the nachos, and maybe your number." He told you. You jotted down the items when suddenly it clicked. Your head shot up to see his smirk.

"My number?" You smiled. He nodded and reached from behind the door and handed you a marker. "Okay," you went to write on your notebook but he stopped you.

"I'll probably loose that, here." He held out his hand. You held his hand as you wrote your number on the back of his hand. "I never got your name." He said as you handed him back the marker.

"(Y/n)," you replied.

"Well, (Y/n), I'm Eddie." He held his hand out and you shook it. "I'll see you when you come back." He told you.

"See you," you smiled, walking away. You walked back into the main dining room and you ran over to the bar where Ann was. "He asked for my number!" You exclaimed happily. She squealed and hugged you.

"No fucking way." She laughed. You handed her to order as you leaned against the dark wooden bar top.

"Yup, and I told Gareth, the drummer, who you are and to look for you." You told her.

"You're a life saver dude." She handed you the beers. "You wanna make the nachos? I have more orders to fill." You nodded and quickly made them, throwing the five items on your round tray.

You made your way backstage once again and knocked the door. Eddie opened the door again and smiled. "Four beers and and order of nachos." You recited the order. He nodded and let you walk in. You placed the items on the table and walked out.

"Before you go (Y/n), I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie sometime?" He asked, hope filling his eyes.

"I'd love that," you nodded.

"Cool," she smiled brightly. "I'll uh, call you tonight then, when's your shift over?" He asked.

"12," you replied. He nodded and thought for a moment.

"Can I call you at 12:30?" He questioned. You nodded. "Okay," he smiled.

"Okay," you smiled back, pecking him on the cheek. His eyes widened, looking starstruck. You giggled as you noticed his expression and the lipstick stain on his cheek. "You got a little something there," you pointed. He looked over at the mirror and smiled.

"It's fine," he replied. He checked the time. "Shit, I gotta get ready, I'll call you." He smiled.

"Okay, good luck." You smiled back, walking away. You walked back over to the bar and helped Ann make drinks, telling her everything.

"You kissed him?" She smirked. You nodded. "Okay, maybe you have bigger balls then I thought." She teased. "There's the lover boy now." She nodded to the stage. You looked over as they started playing Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden. "I'm assuming you did that?" She smirked pointing to the red lipstick stain on his face.

"He left it?" Your eyes widened.

"He sure did," she looked at you. Eddie's eyes met yours as he sang, a smirk pulling at his lips as he winked at you. You smirked back and leaned against the bar. Once the song ended Eddie turned to his band mates and started talking. He then turned back to the microphone.

"So this wasn't the plan but imma do it anyway." He looked at you with a smile. "This is for the one and only (Y/n) over there." He nodded to you. Ann looked at you with her dropped jaw.

You couldn't help but smile as the start of Angel by Aerosmith started. This man was gonna be the death of you thought.

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