The trip (pt. 2)

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You and Robin took care of your guy's room while Steve and Eddie were helping the kids. "They mother them so much huh?" You laughed with Robin as you dove onto your bed.

"I know right, and they pretend that they're forced to but we all know they do to themselves." She smiled. You realized they've been gone for at least an hour and a half.

"It's been a while, should we go look for them?" You asked her. She nodded.

"They need parents and that's what we're for." She told you. You nodded in agreement and you both left your room checking the rooms you had. The last room was the boy's room. You knocked the door and opened it and gasped as a pillow hit your face. Your eyes widened as feathers fluttered around and in the center of the room the four boys along with Steve and Eddie were beating each other with pillows. You looked at Robin who's jaw had dropped completely.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled out. They all froze and turned to you.

"Oh shit," Dustin muttered and the four teens hid behind Eddie and Steve.

"We got a little carried away," Eddie scratched the back of his neck.

"A little?" You raised your eyebrows.

"So we got carried away but we'll clean it up." Steve told us. You looked at Robin and she had a disappointed mother look on her face, which you knew you also had the same look.

"Clean it, then go buy bathing suits. Cause we're gonna take the others down to the water." Robin told them.

"You four can go with them," you nodded the the two adults. The six of them nodded. You walked in and pecked Eddie on the cheek. "I love you, please behave." You told him before walking with Robin to your room.

You, Robin, El, Erica, and Max laid on the beach, taking in the sun. Nancy, Johnathan and Argyle wanted to explore on their own so that left you and Robin with the girls since Eddie, Steve and the boys haven't returned yet.

"This is nice," El smiled. You all looked at her.

"Yeah, there's no annoying boys bothering us." Erica grinned, making you girls chuckle.

"Where are they?" Max asked.

"Cleaning up their room and going to buy some swimsuits." You told her. She nodded and you all laid back again.

"Eddie's pretty interesting," El told you, making you laugh.

"Yeah, he is." You nodded.

"I like him so far." She smiled.

"That's good to hear, I know you haven't been around him long but he'll grow on you." You smiled back.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice call out.

"Speak of the devil," you sat up and turned to see Eddie running over with a squirt gun. "Oh shit," you pulled Robin over and used her as a shield as he tried to shoot you.

"Oh my god I hate you!" Robin panicked, making everyone burst out in laughter.

"Robin you're in the way," Eddie told her.

"Oh I'm sorry, for being held hostage." She shoved you off as you continued to laugh.

"Payback?" He smirked at her.

"Payback," she smirked back nodding.

"No!" You screeched as you tried to get to your feet. Eddie quickly scooped you into his arms and ran with you down to the water. "Eddie put me down!" You laughed.

"Okay," he shrugged and dropped you into the cold water. You hit the sandy bottom and you stood up, the water reaching your upper thighs. You glared at him as he laughed. You then shoved him into the water. You burst out laughing as he stood back up, his hair hiding every bit of his face except his mouth as he pouted. You walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck after you moved his wet hair out of his face. He looked down at you.

"Hi," you giggled.

"You're mean," he frowned.

"I'm sorry baby," you pecked him on the nose. "Do you forgive me?" You asked. He thought for a moment before shaking his head. You then kissed him gently. You could feel him smile as he pulled you closer. You pulled away and started playing with his hair. "What about now?" You smiled.

"I guess I'll forgive you," he pecked your forehead. "I have to build a sandcastle with Dustin and Will," he remembered, taking your hand and dragging you out of the water. You then saw Robin looking at Polaroids. Eddie dropped onto the sand and started to dump sand into a bucket as Dustin and Will did the same with different sized buckets.

You sat beside Robin on your towel and looked over at the photos. She handed them to you and you smiled as the first picture.

It was of Eddie running to the water with you in his arms. You looked at the next one, it was of you as you hit the water and Eddie was laughing. The next was of you shoving him into the water. Next was the photo of him pouting with hair all over his face while you were laughing. Then it was a photo of you with your arms around his neck and his around your waist as you kissed him. The last photo as of him kissing your forehead as you played with his hair.

"Who took these?" You smiled.

"Me," Robin waved around her Polaroid camera. You hugged her and placed the photos in your beach bag.

"Thank you," she nodded and she held the camera up to her face. You looked and Eddie put a little flag in the almost completed castle. Eddie smiled and wrapped his arms around the two boy's shoulders.

"We did good boys," he smiled at them proudly. You saw Robin's flash go off and you watched as the photo came out. She then took photos of the girls with Mike, Steve, and Lucas as they looked for skipping stones. You took the camera from her and turned it so the lens was facing you two. She did a peace sign while you held up the middle finger, while you both stuck out your tongues. You took the photo and handed her the camera back.

You watched Eddie sit beside you and you handed him the photos Robin took of you and him then the one of him, Dustin, and Will.

"I love you," he smiled at you.

"I love you too," you pecked him on the lips.

"You two are cute but please not right beside me." Robin told you. You gave her a thumbs up and stood. You pulled him to his feet and you pulled her to her feet.

"Come on, let's go rock hunting with them!" You took both of their hands and ran, dragging them with you as you caught up to your friends.

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