The lead singer of a cover band (pt. 4)

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Smut warning
Your pov
Eddie started to undress you as he kissed your neck, leaving you in your matching black lace set. "You wear these for me?" He smirked. You nodded and he chuckled softly. "You're so gorgeous," he whispered, kissing you again. You reached for his belt and undid it, taking notice to the handcuff buckle. He pulled away from your kiss and chuckled amusingly. "So eager," He smirked. He pulled your hands away and pulled it out of his belt loops. "No more touching," he told you as he tied your hands with his belt. You watched as he undressed, leaving his boxers. The outline of his dick pressing against the navy blue fabric. Your eyes met his as he knelt above you. His fingers gently ran down your stomach and to the waistband of your panties. "May I?" He asked softly in you ear.

"Please Eddie," you whined. He pulled them down agonizingly slow. He stopped when he got to your mid thigh. "Eddie stop teasing," you snapped.

"I'm just enjoying the view sweetheart." He told you, pulling them all the way off. He tossed them behind him and you bit your lip as you looked at his boxers. You were taken back when you felt his finger plunge into you along with the coldness of his rings, earning a sharp gasp from you. "You're so wet for me already," he pulled his finger out and watched your residue glisten in the light.

"Please Eds," you begged.

"Please what?" He smirked. You glared up at him and flipped you two over so you were straddling him.

"You know damn well what I want," you told him.

"I don't know if I should leave or tell you I love you." He chuckled nervously. You used your teeth and undid his belt around your wrists, tossing it to the side.

"We'll just have to see," you moved back and grabbed the waistband of his boxers. "May I?" You smirked.

"Fuck yes," he nodded. You pulled his boxers down and tossed them with the rest of your clothing. You then crawled back to him and you slowly guided his dick into you, causing the both of you to moan. "You're so tight," he breathed out.

"You're so big," you told him. He pulled you into a kiss, it was softer than before but it was still filled with need. You slowly started to bounce, giving you both the friction you needed. He gripped your hips and started to move you roughy up and down his dick. You pulled his hands off of you and pinned them above his head. "Someone's needy." You teased.

"Faster," he begged. You shook your head.

"What happened to the 'I'm gonna show you that your mine,' Eddie?" You smirked. "You're not as tough as you think you are." You told him. He quickly pushed you off of him and pinned you to the ground.

"That so?" He questioned as he quickly rammed into you. You moaned as he thrusted quickly into you, hitting all the right places. You could feel him throbbing inside of you and that alone neared you to the edge. "You think that waiter in the dinner can fuck you this good?" He asked you.

"No," you panted.

"Who's pussy does this belong to?" He looked right into your eyes.

"Yours Eddie." You moaned. He nodded and started to rub your clit, causing your back to arch. With his free hand he held your waist down, the coldness of his rings making you gasp as his fingers dug into your skin. "Im close," you warned him weakly.

"Me too baby," he told you. He added more pressure as he rubbed you at a fast pace and with that you came undone. He however continued to thrust into your sensitive body.

"Eddie," you whimpered.

"Just a little more baby," he told you. "God you're doing so well for me sweetheart." He praised. You locked eyes and you moaned loudly as he continued to overstimulate you. The look you gave him and the feeling of you clenching tightly around him pushed him to the edge. He filled you all the way and he waited there for a moment as you both caught your breaths. "Fuck," he panted.

"I think I like your hidden talents." You joked. He laughed as he pulled out of you, earning a groan from you both. You both got dressed and walked back into the dinner. Gareth and (Y/b/f) had just finished paying.

"Here's your food," she smirked, handing you two boxes.

"Thank you," you felt your face grow hot as you took the box from her.

"I was telling Gareth that they should come to more of our shows." She told you. You nodded.

"You guys should," you looked between the boys. They nodded with large smiles on their faces.

You four walked outside and Gareth and (Y/b/f) were talking and laughing at your car. "They're cute," you sighed. Eddie nodded.

"I had fun," he told you.

"Me too," you smiled in agreement.

"Wanna go out before your show tomorrow?" He asked. You nodded. "There's a fair in town, I can pick you up at 2?" He suggested.

"Sounds good to me," you ran to your car and grabbed a pen from your cup holder. You then ran back over. "Give me your arm." You told him. He handed you his arm and you wrote your phone number and address on the back of his right hand.

"So it's a date," he smiled.

"Yup," you smiled back, pecking him on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow at 2 Munson." You then started for your car. "Come on nerd, we're burning daylight and we still need to go grocery shopping." You told the smitten girl.

"Bye Gareth," she smiled sweetly, kissing him gently. She then pulled away and hopped in the car. "MUNSON!" You called out. He looked over at you as he hopped into the driver's seat of his van. You smiled as you flipped him off. He smiled back and returned the gesture. You then got in your car and started it. The engine loudly sprung to life and you drove home with a smile on your face the whole way.

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