I hate you (pt.1)

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Mr. Odonld's motor bike. That's all you've been thinking about for the past week. He had rode it somewhere into the woods near his home but the dumbass never put new gas in it so he had to leave it stranded. The poor bastard can't find it now, so many have been trying to look for  the beautiful piece of machinery. You, however we're gonna find it, even if it was the last thing you did. So you skipped class and rushed into the woods. You loved being out there. It was comforting, the smell, the light cool air, the rare sound of silence. You would often hide out there when your parents would fight when you were a kid.

You suddenly tripped over a thick piece of wood that was suddenly thrown in front of you and fell down the steep hill. You groaned as you sat up, pulling leaves and sticks from your hair. "You know that was funnier than expected." You heard a voice say. Oh god no. You turned to see Eddie Munson walk down the hill over to you. You turned back around. "So (y/n), looking for the bike huh?" He knelt beside you. You looked up into his brown eyes and kicked him so he fell over. "Cute," he said, getting back up and brushing himself off. He held his hand out to you. You looked at it before pushing it away.

"I don't need your help," you snapped, getting of the ground.

"I don't know, you took a pretty nasty fall over there. You sure you're okay?" He asked in a babying tone.

"Fuck you Munson." You brushed yourself off and watched as he started walking the direction to the Odonld's home. You didn't follow however. He paused and turned to you.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

"I'm fine," you replied.

"Then move those little legs of yours." He told you before continuing. You rolled your eyes and rushed to catch up to him. You could sense him watching you and you looked over at him.

"What?" You sighed.

"You're bleeding." He told you. You felt around the side of your head and felt nothing. "Got you," he chuckled. You punched him in the arm before speeding up. "You can't take a joke huh?" He rushed over to you.

"I can, just not yours." You glared at him. You were walking up to another steep hill. You smirked and stuck your foot out, tripping Eddie.

"Christ!" He yelled as he tumbled down. You laughed and ran down the hill after him. "Son of a bitch," he held his right ankle. Shit you actually hurt him. "What was that?" He looked up at you.

"You can't take a joke huh?" You tilted your head at him. He flipped you off before trying to stand. He was struggling so you stuck out your hand.

"I don't need your help," he glared at you.

"You sure? Cause it sure as hell looks like you do." You stuck your hand out firmly, genuinely trying to be somewhat nice after hurting him. He sighed and hesitated before grabbing your hand. You helped him to his feet and you noticed that he left his foot off the ground slightly. "So what, if we find this thing I'm guessing you want some of the return fee?" You asked as you two continued. You watched him limp slightly as he walked.

"50/50," he replied.

"50/50?!" You looked over at him. He nodded.

"It's fair, equal split. I should be getting 60% since you caused an injury but I'm gonna be nice and call it an even 50." He told you.

"How about 40% and a kiss my ass." You shot him a look.

"I mean," he looked down at your ass. You smacked his arm. His gaze quickly flashed up to your face.

"Fine 50/50," you told him. He smiled and nodded. His face changed however. You could tell he was in pain. "Lean on me," you told him, taking his arm and wrapping it around your shoulders.

"For support?" He asked. You looked up at him.

"Yeah, why else?" You questioned. He shook his head.

"I don't know," he put his weight on you and you helped him walk more comfortably. "How much farther to you think?" He asked.

"I'm sure we still have a bit left." You told him. He let out a slight whimper. "You okay?" You asked, trying not to sound concerned.

"I'm not sure how long I'm gonna last." He told you. The guilt was finally sinking in. You stopped walking and turned to him.

"Sit," you ordered him.

"Yes, ma'am." He dropped to the ground and you sat in front of his leg. You rolled up his jeans and pulled off his shoe. "What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Making sure it isn't dislocated or broken." You told him. You felt around his ankle and sure enough it was slightly dislocated. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, so hold onto something." You told him. He took your hand and smirked. "Smooth," you snickered. He looked around and saw nothing. "Also we're in hunting territory, so don't scream." You then noticed his belt. You reached for it and started to unbuckle it.

"That's quick, at least take me to dinner first," he teased. You looked into his eyes before pulling his belt off.

"Bite and squeeze this," you told him. He nodded and placed the dark leather in this mouth. "Okay, 1, 2," you quickly popped his ankle in place cashing him to let out a muffled yelp. You pulled a bobby-pin from your pocket and placed it in your mouth. You then tore the bottom of your t-shirt, cropping it. You then started to wrap his ankle to keep it compressed. You then placed the bobby-pin over the end and pat his leg. "Put your shoe on and your belt, we'll get you to a doctor in a little bit." You told him as you stood up. He fixed everything before you helped him to his feet "how's it feel?" You asked.

"Better, still hurts though." He replied. You nodded and you two kept walking. You then saw the house. You looked at him and he was already watching you. "Alright the bike has to be here somewhere. You ready to make 10 grand?" He smirked.

"Hell yeah," you smirked back before you two went looking.

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