The princess (pt. 3)

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You glared at Jason as his seductive smile dropped. "What's wrong?" He questioned.

"What's wrong?" You raised your eyebrows. "A incompetent, selfish, cunt is in my bed calling me 'my love.'" You growled.

"How dare you," he stood, a disgusted look on his face.

"No, how dare you!" You walked over to him. "I want you out of my home and kingdom by this time tomorrow. If not I will have you thrown in the dungeon. Do you understand me?" You told him.

"No," he grabbed your waist and you immediately drew your hand back and used all your strength to slap him in the face. He stumbled back onto your bed as he gripped his cheek. "Did you just strike me?!" He stood and got close expecting you to step back. You stood there as still as stone and glared up at him.

"YES I DID NOW GET OUT!" You yelled. He scoffed and pushed past you, walking out of your chamber. Your father then ran into the room.

"What's going on? I heard yelling." He looked panicked.

"I want him gone by tomorrow night if he isn't I'm leaving." You told him.

"Leaving? No (Y/n) you can't." He pleaded.

"I made up my mind, if I can't be happy in my own life then I will do what I need to make life worth living." You told him.

"Listen to yourself-"

"I am, for once I am!" You smiled as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "Father, mother was a common baker and you married her because you loved her." You recalled.

"What are you getting at?" He questioned.

"I found who I want to be with." You sighed.

"Munson?" He sighed. You nodded. "I will consider it as an option for you. For now go to sleep it's been an eventful night." He then walked out, anger showing through his calm demeanor. You shut your door and changed into your night gown before getting back in bed.

You woke up to the shouts and pleads of angry people. You rushed to your balcony and looked out into town where the hanging post was. To your horror Eddie stood on a barrel with a rope around his neck, his hands bound behind him. Jason was shouting to the crowd while the crowd was panicking. You didn't hesitate to turn to your door. You went to open the door but it was locked. You hit it harshly as you let out a rage filled growl. You ran back to your balcony and below was the pond in the garden.

"I can do this." You told yourself as you climbed into the stone wall. You closed your eyes and held your breath as you jumped. Your back stung as you hit the water at a harsh speed. You quickly climbed out and onto your feet. You ran, not caring about the pain your bare feet endured when stepping on rocks or something sharp.

"STOP!" You shrieked. You shoved through the crowd and climbed onto the platform just as Jason kicked the barrel. "EDDIE!" You panicked. Eddie looked at you as he struggled to breathe, his legs kicking and hands clawing at the rope around his neck, searching for a way out. You saw the sword on Jason's hip and quickly pulled it from his belt, quickly hitting the rope with the blade against the wooden beam. It cut instantly and Eddie gasped for air as he hit the ground. You quickly untied his hands and flipped him to his back. You cried as you held him.

"(Y/n)," he muttered, his voice strained.

"You're okay," you pecked him on the lips, earning mutters from the crowd. You stood, picking up the sword once again.

"So it's true, you love a peasant." He glared at you. You grabbed him by the frilly collar of his shirt and pinned him to the post, immediately placing the sharp blade at his neck.

"Jason, I should gut you like a pig!" You snapped.

"Do it, see what your father says." He told you.

"Leave. Now." You hissed. "No need to grab your things, I'll escort you out of my kingdom myself." You told him.

"Fine," he nodded lightly. The crowd cheered and you stepped back.

"I'm keeping this," you looked at the blade in your hand. You pointed the tip to his chest. "Go on then," you nodded to the gates. He shot a dirty look to Eddie before stepping off the platform and you followed, keeping the end of the sharp blade digging in between his shoulder blades.

The guards opened the gates and you pulled the blade away before kicking him out. "Come here again, I see to it that I'll hang you myself." You threatened. "Close the gates." You turned and walked away as they closed. The townspeople cheered and surrounded you, shouting praises. You pushed past them and ran over to Eddie, who leaned against the platform. You held onto him tightly.

"Why are you wet?" He smiled.

"My doors were locked so I jumped into the pond just below my balcony." You smiled back.

"You're mad," he laughed as he ran a hand through your wet locks.

"Only for you," you kissed him gently.

"May I present your royal highness, King Samuel." A guard announced, making you pull away and your eyes snap open. You turned to see your father walk over.

"Damn," you muttered, preparing eternally for the scolding you were about to receive.

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