The princess

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So I watched a movie and it was set in the medieval times and I thought this would be fun to write this out and so here I am. I hope you enjoy. ❤️

Eddie's pov
I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I cleaned out the horses' stables. "Hello Eddie," Dustin smiled as he tossed me an apple.

"Hello," I replied taking a bite.

"How are you doing?" He questioned.

"Just fine, and you?" I smiled.

"Fine thank you," he nodded. I nodded back.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Dustin and I quickly looked over so see Princess (Y/n) marching over to the stables, the king following close behind.

"But (Y/n) he's asked for your hand." The king started.

"Yeah, and I'm declining!" She snapped. She looked at me with her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. "Good day, Eddie, Dustin." She nodded before walking to her dark brown horse.

"Your majesty," Dustin and I bowed in unison. The king walked past us as he chased after his daughter.

"Please be smart about this, this is for the greater good of our kingdom." He pleaded.

"Do you ever think of me father?!" She snapped. "I don't want to marry him! He's a selfish, pathetic, piece of horse sh-"

"(Y/N)!" The king snapped. "Show some respect. No princess of my kingdom will act this way." He scolded her as she tied a saddle on the horse.

"Watch me!" She got on the horse and quickly rode out. Dustin and I looked at each other as the king walked over, sighing loudly.

"Never have a daughter," he then walked away.

"I wonder who she was talking about." Dustin looked at me.

"Oh I know exactly who," I sighed.

"Who?" He started shoveling the dirty hay into a pale.

"Sir Jason Carver," I told him.

"Yes?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice question. Dustin jumped in surprise while I turned to look at him.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"Is there a problem stable boy?" He questioned as he took a bite from a fresh tart, judging by the smell my guess was strawberry jam inside.

"No sir," I bit my tongue back, knowing what happened to the last stable boy that talked back to someone more superior.

"Good, have you seen my bride to be?" He questioned.

"Technically, she hasn't said yes." I told him.

"What did you say boy?!" He walked over, pulling his hand back to strike me but Dustin jumped in front of me, his arms extending outwards. He quickly looked down at the younger boy.

"What my stupid partner means to say is she went for a ride on her horse. She'll be back soon," Dustin told him. He nodded, his eyes met mine once again.

"I see, well when she comes back send her to my sleeping chamber." He smirked. "Now, back to work," he tossed the badly eaten tart on the dirty hay. "Stable boy," he looked me over with a disgusted face before turning and walking away.

"He's such a swine." I muttered, picking up my shovel

"Indeed," Dustin agreed. "You think the tart is still edible?" He asked.

"No," I sighed, watching disappointment morf his face into a frown.

"Damn," he sighed as he shoveled the pastry into the shit filled bucket. It was then I heard a scream. I dropped my shovel and ran out of the stables to see a man rip the princess from her horse, tearing her corset.

"HEY!" I yelled as I ran over. The man took off running but I tackled him to the ground, straddling him. "What did you take?" I asked him, I grabbed a rock and held it up as if I was going to hit him. He quickly pulled out a small leather sack. I took it in my free hand and got off of him. "Leave, and never return." I told him. He nodded, scrabbling to his feet and running away. I turned to see the princess hiding her exposed chest with her hands. I pulled off my shirt and handed it to her. I closed my eyes as she pulled it on.

"You can open your eyes," she told me. I opened and helped her stand. "Thank you," she smiled softly. I nodded, looking her over cautiously. The sight of her in my shirt drove me wild. Though it was filthy and the discolored white cotton didn't go with her dark blue silk dress she still looked gorgeous.

"Of course your majesty." I bowed lightly. I couldn't help but notice her looking me over. I smirked lightly as she realized she was caught.

"You don't have to call me that," she told me.

"Nonsense," I shook my head. "I believe this belongs to you," I gave her the leather pouch. She smiled and opened it, pulling out a diamond ring.

"This ring was my mother's," she sighed. "Thank you so much, I owe you." She told me.

"No need, really." I told her. She shook her head.

"No, I made up my mind. You are to have dinner with my father and I tonight." She told me.

"I can't leave Dustin," I told her.

"Being him too, he's a growing boy, he needs to eat." She told me. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you," I looked over to see Dustin walking over.

"Of course, I'll see you tonight," she pecked me lightly on the cheek before walking away. I ran over to Dustin and hugged him tightly.

"Did I just see what I thought I saw?" He questioned.

"We're dining with the king and princess tonight!" I told him.

"What?!" He smiled. I nodded. "We're going to eat like kings!" He jumped happily.

"Indeed but let's get cleaned up shall we? We don't wanna look like this while we're in the palace now would we?" I smirked.

"What are you waiting for?!" He laughed. We rushed home, the adrenaline and the thought of being with (Y/n) making me smile and my heart swell with joy.

(A/n):  I'm not sure if I should do a part two but I'm leaning towards yes. Let me know what you think. Also so sorry for the updates taking forever I'm trying to get them out as much as I can.

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