Oh baby

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You shook nervously as you waited. You sat on the edge of your bathtub, your leg bouncing anxiously. Eddie was out with his band at a gig but you knew he would be home any minute. Your kitchen timer then went off, causing you to jump in surprise. You stopped it and you picked up the plastic test. You took a deep breath before looking at the results. Two red lines. You smiled softly.

You and Eddie have been married for 2 years already and he told you that he didn't want to plan having a kid yet but if it were to happen he'd be happy either way. So when you didn't get your period and the nausea and cramps kicked in you decided to test. Your instincts were right, you were pregnant. You looked up when you heard a door open and close. You walked out of your bathroom as Eddie walked down the hall, stopping when he sees you just standing there.

"Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing?" He questioned.

"Nothing, how was the show?" You asked.

"It was good," he nodded. He noticed that you had your hands behind your back. "Whatcha got there?" He tried to peek. You stepped closer to him and handed him the stick. He looked down at it then quickly back up at you.

"It's positive," you smiled.

"It's...positive.." he breathed out. "Oh my god!" He hugged you happily. "WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!" He jumped up and down like a child, making you laugh. "Have we thought of names?" He asked.

"Eddie, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl." You smiled.

"Still we can think about it." He told you. "How are you feeling?" He then asked.

"I'm okay right now. Tired but that's it." You told him. You gasped as he swept you off your feet.

"Well, to bed we shall go, my lady." He smiled down at you.

"My hero," you giggled.

"You know it," he snickered, kissing you gently. He pulled away and walked into your shared bedroom. He set you on your side of the bed and you watched him as he changed. The scars from the demobats remained. Dustin told you that if you weren't there, he definitely would've died. You and Dustin were able to form a case for him and he was found not guilty for The "Munson" murders. "You okay?" He asked gently. You looked back up to his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah," you replied, getting under the covers of your bed. He quickly pulled off his jeans, leaving him in his boxers and got in bed. He pulled you close and nuzzled his face in your neck, making you giggle. He then sat up and pulled the sheets down as me moved down so his face was leveled with your stomach.

"Hey kiddo," he smiled, rubbing your stomach gently.

"Eddie," you laughed.

"What? I'm having father and son or daughter time." He looked up at you. "What are you hoping for?" He asked.

"A girl," you replied.

"Glad to know we're on the same page here." He joked.

"Come on Eds," you held your arms out and he crawled back up to you, collapsing in your arms.

"I could stay here forever," he sighed happily.

"Me too," you pecked him on the lips and turned the light off.


"Baby look!" You smiled as you balanced a bowl of cereal on your now large baby bump.

"Please don't drop that," he smiled.

"Like I would," you smirked. He shook his head as he chuckled. You suddenly felt sharp pains in your body. The sound of a shattering bowl and liquid then filled the room. "Holy shit," you looked up at Eddie.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, guiding you out of the glass.

"Eddie," you stopped walking and he looked at you. "My water just broke." You told him.

"You..your water just broke?" His eyes widened. You nodded. "CHRIST!" He yelped anxiously. "Okay," he took a deep breath before thinking.

"Maybe less thinking and more driving me to the hospital Munson." You snapped as the pain kicked in.

"Right!" He helped you out the door and into the passenger side of the van. He quickly got in the divers side and put the van in drive. You took deep breaths as you cried out in pain.

"Eddie, I don't think I can do this." You started to cry.

"Well you can't just hold the kid in." He told you. You glared at him and he quickly looked back at the road. "Wanna hold my hand?" He asked. You nodded and took his hand.

When you both got the hospital you were rushed in while nurses checked how dilated you were. "She's ready." A nurse said to the other. She nodded.

"Mrs. Munson, you're ready to have this baby." The second nurse told you. "Stacy get the husband and being him to the delivery room, I'll get her there." She told the other nurse. Stacy then ran out of the room and you were wheeled to another room. You were changed out of your clothes and put in a hospital gown. Eddie then rushed in with the other nurse. You were given an IV.

"Mrs. Munson, I'm your doctor, Dr. Nat, you ready to have your baby?" She asked you.

"If it'll stop the pain then yeah," you joked.

"Alright, husband, do you wanna be up here or stay back there?" She asked Eddie, who was standing in the back. He rushed over and held your hand.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," you told him.

"It's okay, it'll be worth it," he reassured you. "You got this okay," he pecked you on the forehead. You nodded and looked at Dr. Nat.

"Alright girly, you gotta start pushing." She told you. You nodded and started to push. You screamed out in pain as you pushed. "We got a head," you heard. "Just keep going, you're almost done." She told you. You nodded and continued to push.

"You're doing amazing (Y/n/n)." Eddie smiled.

"Stop, pushing." Dr. Nat told you. You stopped and dropped your head back. However your head shot up once again when you heard a baby cry.

"It's a girl," Eddie smiled. You were handed your tiny baby.

"Oh my god," you smiled. "She's got your eyes." You told Eddie.

"And your nose but it's itty bitty." He touched her little hand. She looked up at you and Eddie. She then grabbed his finger and his eyes widened.

"You wanna hold her?" You asked him. He nodded and took her in his arms.

"Hi," he smiled down at her. "You're so tiny," he pecked her forehead. "I'm gonna keep you safe and I'll kick any guy's ass for you." He told her, making you chuckle.

"Did you guys pick a name?" Dr. Nat asked.

"How about Liv?" Eddie looked at you. You smiled, nodded. "Little Liv," he smiled.

"That's a beautiful name," dr. Nat smiled. "I'm gonna take her, to clean her up and to let you two get rest." She told us. Eddie hesitated but handed Liv to the doctor. She then walked out and Eddie looked at you.

"We did it," you smiled. He nodded.

"Mainly you," he snickered. "We have a baby," he kissed you gently. You pulled away as you stroked his hair gently.

"We do," you smiled.

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