The trip

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We all piled into Eddie's van. Him in the drivers seat, even though everyone protested it. You in the passenger seat while Robin, Steve, Nancy, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Erica, El, Johnathan, Will and Argyle in the back. You and Dustin came up with the idea of having a group trip to Indiana Beach amusement park and stay at a hotel for a couple nights so that way everyone could grow closer. It was around a two and a half hour drive.

You all were talking amongst yourselves and you noticed Eddie drumming to War Pigs by Black Sabbath on the steering wheel. You then noticed El, Erica, and Max look at you then the radio. You shook your head but they ignored you. El closed her eyes and suddenly the channel changed so Material Girl by Madonna came on. "Hey!" Eddie glared at the three as they had a smug smile on their faces. He quickly changed it back which she quickly changed it once again. "This is my van, I pick the music." He told her, switching it back to his preferred music.

"(Y/n) tell your boyfriend that he needs to play better music." Erica told you. You looked at Eddie and he looked at you with wide eyes.

"You heard her Eddie, we might like metal but most of them don't even listen to it." You placed a hand on his shoulder. He sighed and switched the channel back for her. She smiled and fist bumped you.

"Thank you," she then moved into the back seat with Max and El. You smiled as you hear the three sing together. You looked back at Eddie as you started to sing along. Eventually everyone joined in singing along. You nudged Eddie, making him look at you.

"Come on," you smiled. He smiled, sighing as he rolled his eyes. He then joined in and now all of you were singing together. When the song ended Jessie's Girl came on. Eddie couldn't help but sing the song to you which made the other couples sing along. It made you happy he was less tense.

When everyone got board of singing some returned to finding something to do. "(Y/N) MIKES HITTING ME!" Dustin yelled.

"NO IM NOT!" Mike yelled back.

"I SWEAR IF YOU BOTH DON'T STOP I'LL TURN AROUND!" Eddie yelled back. You turned to look at the two teens.

"Say sorry," you told Mike. He sighed and looked at Dustin.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." He told him.

"See it wasn't that hard." Dustin told him, making Mike roll his eyes. You looked around more. Steve and Robin were looking at a magazine talking about what girl was prettier, Max, Erica, and El were painting each other's nails, Will, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were reading comics, Nancy was asleep in Johnathan's arms as he read a book and Argyle was rolling a blunt.

"Please don't light that in here." You told him.

"Why not?" He asked you.

"Because there's kids and Steve in here." You told him.

"Hey!" Steve shot you a look.

"I'm just teasing, but seriously I don't want the kids to inhale that." You told him.

"It's not like we're hot boxing," Eddie told you. "We'll open a window." He grinned.

"Eddie, you driving is already a hazard, you driving high is a danger to anything in a mile radius." Robin told him.

"I've done it before," he told her.

"Right, but how many times have you been pulled over?" She asked. He reminded quiet.

"Thought so," she nodded.

"So no weed?" Argyle asked. You shook your head.

"No weed," you told him. He sighed and stuffed the blunt in his pocket.

"Are we gonna be there soon? My legs are cramping." Max asked.

"We still have and hour." He told her. She groaned and laid on the carpeted floor.

"So we have four rooms with two beds in each room. Do we know who's in each room?" You asked.

"Well, we were going to do you, me, Steve and Eddie right?" Robin asked you. You nodded and looked at the rest.

"Us four can share a room." Dustin pointed to him, Mike, Will and Lucas. They nodded in agreement.

"We can share a room," Max nodded to El and Erica.

"Me, Nancy, and Argyle can share a room." Johnathan told you. You nodded and looked at Eddie who looked at you.

"Sounds like a plan," you smiled. "You guys packed bathing suits right?" You asked.

"We we're supposed to bring bathing suits?" Eddie and Steve questioned in unison. You and Robin sighed.

"I wrote a notes and put them on your dresser, the front door and the sun visor of the van." You told Eddie. He looked up and there the note was.

"Oh," he pursed his lips into a thin line.

"And I literally put them on your bed for you." Robin told Steve.

"That's what it was for?" He asked her. She nodded. "You could have been more clear." He told her.

"You two are literal children." Robin rubbed her temples.

"We'll just buy some at a store somewhere." Steve told Eddie.

"Right," he nodded. "What about you guys, do you have everything?" He then asked the kids.

"Yes," they all replied.

"Can I see the map," Eddie asked you. You pulled it out of the glove compartment and opened it up. He looked at it then at a passing sign then back at the map. "Almost there." He sighed.

"How long do you think?" You asked.

"10 minutes," he replied.

"Are we there yet?" Will asked.

"Are we there yet?" Dustin then asked.

"Are we there yet?" Mike copied. You turned to look at the boys.

"Are we there yet?" Lucas asked trying not to laugh.

"I swear I'm gonna strangle them." Eddie muttered. "Does it look like we're there?" He asked them. They remained quiet. "Mhmm," he hummed as he turned up the radio, making you giggle. "What?" He smiled at you.

"You love it, you just won't admit it." You smirked.

"Yes, I love having four kids repeatedly shouting 'are we there yet'." He said sarcastically. You looked at him with raised eyebrows not believing a word that came out his mouth. "I hate you," he chuckled. You both smiled as you realized you were there.

"Guess what," you turned so everyone in the back looked at you. "We're here." You smiled. They all quickly rushed over to look out the windshield since they couldn't see through the windows in the back.

"This is going to be awesome," Dustin smiled.

"Hell yeah it is." You fist bumped him.

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