The rancher

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You walked into Melvald's general store in search for chicken feed since you had ran out back home. Your grandfather had told you to pick up six bags since there was an add in the paper, claiming it was on sale. You waited in line while the person in front of you was looking for cash in his pocket. "Damn it," he muttered. You recognized him from when you were in high school. Eddie Munson. You'd interacted many times throughout the many years of schooling together. You weren't exactly friends but you didn't show any dislike towards each other.

"You alright?" You questioned. He turned and looked at you.

"(Y/n)?" He smiled. You smiled back and nodded. "You changed," he just starred at you with his adorable smile. "In a good way!" He reassured you. You giggled which made his smile grow. "And to answer your question, no, I'm short a few dollars." He admitted.

"How much?" You asked.

"$5." He replied. You pulled your wallet from your back pocket and dug for a five dollar bill. "Don't," he shook his head.

"I insist," you handed him the dollar. He shook his head and gave it back. "Please take it, think of it as me helping an old friend out." You smiled softly, holding the bill out for him to take. He hesitated before taking it.

"Thank you," he smiled. You nodded before be paid for a bunch of snacks and drinks.

"You storing up for winter?" You joked. He chuckled as he shook his head, stuffing the items in plastic bags.

"Nah, Robin is stopping by the shelter to help out and drop off some stuff so I wanted to pick up a few things to give." He told you as he grabbed the bags.

"Eddie Munson donating food?" You snickered.

"(Y/n) (L/n) being a farmer?" He smirked. You glared at him jokingly. "What happened to, 'I'm never going into the family business!'" He mocked your voice.

"Well reality hit after I graduated and I had no money so I decided to do it temporarily, but I fell in love with it so I'm here permanently." You told him. He nodded.

"Yeah, it's been hard for me too, I can't get a job and if I do I can't keep it." He sighed.

"You wanna job? My other ranch hand quit last week and I've been looking for a replacement." You offered.

"Me? A ranch hand?" He smirked. "Have you been smoking?" He joked, earning a chuckle from you. "Jokes aside, you sure you want me around? People might look at your funny." He told you. You shrugged.

"So what?" You smiled up at him.

"Alright, is there like an interview or something?" He asked.

"You want an interview? Well, you can start by helping me load 6 bags of chicken feed into the back of my truck." You told him. He nodded.

"I can do that," he smiled.

"Great, let me pay for them and we'll get going." You told him. You paid as he picked up one bag and tossed it onto his shoulder. Those were pretty heavy but the way he just handled them with ease made you stare. He had one on each shoulder and he turned to look at you. You blinked a few times, returning back to reality, and picked up a bag.

"Lead the way sweetheart," he smiled down at you. The nickname made your heartbeat quicken and your hands feel sweaty as you smiled at him, nodding. You walked out of the store and to your small pickup truck parked just outside. You pulled your key from your pocket and unlocked the back, guiding the tailgate down so it wouldn't crash down. You placed your bag on the back and stepped aside for Eddie to throw his bags onto the weathered bed. You waited for him before returning for the last three bags. "So are you gonna need help unloading these?" He asked as he took his last bags and tossed them into your truck.

"Most likely," you leaned against the truck as he shut the tailgate and locked it.

"Wanna show me to your place?" He smirked.

"You sure you're coming to farm?" You teased.

"I'm only going for the cows." He told you with a chuckle. You snickered as he tossed you your keys.

"You can hop in the truck with me or you can follow me." You told him.

"I'll follow you," he replied, walking over to his van. You got in your truck and started it. You led the way to the beautiful property your family has owned for years.

When you got there you parked in front of the barn and stepped right in mud. You had a feeling Eddie wouldn't want to get his while shoes muddy so you went into the barn and found your grandfather's old work boots. You then brought them out to his van. He opened the door and you held out the boots. "You're gonna need em'," you smiled. "I assumed you're around this size. If not, we can get you your own." You told him. He nodded and pulled off his sneakers and tried the boots on.

"They're a little lose, but I like them so I'm gonna wear them." He smiled at you.

"Cool, now help me take this stuff inside." You walked him over to your truck and you unloaded the bags into the barn and into the corner where all your bags of feed and tools were kept. When that was done Eddie was looking around as if he were looking for something. "You good?" You giggled.

"Isn't there supposed to be animals in here?" He asked.

"They stay out in the fields," you told him. "Wanna see them?" You smiled. He nodded and you lead him over to the cattle. He smiled as he saw the herd. "Come on!" You hopped the gate and he smiled as he copied you. You ran over to your favorite of the bunch. "This is Leche. The best milking cow in all of Hawkins." You stroked the light brown spotted cow. Eddie poked her making her look at him. "You scared?" You smirked.

"No," he replied, clearly lying. You took his hand and placed it on her back. He looked at your hands.

"It's like a big dog." You told him. He nodded and he pulled your hand off with his as he held it, using his other hand to stroke the cow. You looked down at your hands and smiled as he looked at you.

"Can I see the chickens?" He smirked.

"Eddie, I swear if you chase the chickens.." you laughed.

"I wasn't going to." He smiled mischievously.

"Oh lord," you giggled as you lead him to the chickens.

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