The lead singer of a cover band (pt. 2)

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Eddie's pov
Gareth and I walked in as Rebel Yell ended. We sat at the table we were at yesterday and I ordered a beer while Gareth ordered a soda. (Y/n) noticed me and smiled. She was dressed differently. She had on a red skirt with a black tank top tucked into it with red combat boots. She had a black bandana pushing her hair back. Her eye makeup was dark and she had red lip gloss that shimmered in the spot light.

"For our last song of the night I'm gonna take a pole here. Cheer if you'd like to hear Kickstart My Heart or For Whom the Bell tolls." She smiled. "Okay for Kickstart my heart," he called out. A little less than half cheered. "For Whom the Bell Tolls?" He then called. Everyone cheered loudly. She chuckled, which was actually quite cute. "You guys like to challenge me huh?" She looked back at her band mates. She then turned and nodded. "Alright," she thought to herself for a moment before she prepared. The drummer then rang a bell she had hanging on a stand. (Y/n) then started to play the guitar and my god was she good.

There wasn't many words to this song. It was mainly listening to the amazing guitar, drums, and bell. I didn't mind just listening to her play guitar. She was amazing at it. If only I knew her well when we went to school together. What freaked me out was the fact that it was only my second day seeing her after all these years and I've fallen for her. And I've fallen hard. I've never felt this way ever. I'd be willing to sell my guitar for her love.

"Make his fight on the hill in the early day. Constant chill deep inside. Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey. On they fight, for they're right, yes, but who's to say? For a hill, men would kill. Why? They do not know. Stiffened wounds test their pride." She smiled at me as she played. "Men of five, still alive through the raging glow. Gone insane from the pain that they surely know." Her eyes then focused on the board of her guitar. "For whom the bell tolls. Time marches on. For whom the bell tolls." She then strummed her guitar again doing her solo before continuing the lyrics.

"Take a look to the sky just before you die. It's the last time he will. Blackened roar, massive roar, fills the crumbling sky. Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry. Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery. Hears the silence so loud. Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be. Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see. For whom the bell tolls. Time marches on. For whom the bell tolls." She then closed her eyes as she finished with her amazing solo.

"Calm down man, its like you have heart eyes like a loony toon cartoon." Gareth joked. "Don't tell me you're in love already." He smiled.

"Well, how do I lie to you man?" I smiled back. He pat my shoulder as we watched her finish the song. She sighed into the microphone and smiled at the crowd.

"I'm never listening to you guys again. Sweet Jesus." She ran a hand through her hair. "You're a great audience though, so I love you guys." She wiped her forehead and picked up a brown bottle beside her microphone stand. She took a sip before turning to the microphone. "Our next show will be on Monday because tomorrow is my only day off and I need to pay my bills so.. I'll see you lovely people on Monday." She walked over to her band mates and put her guitar in its case before she rushed off stage and over to me. "You have a thing for the last song of the night huh?" She joked.

"Maybe not the song but for the girl who sings them." I told her. She smiled.

"Eddie Munson has feelings for me?" She gasped dramatically. I chuckled and nodded. "Wow," she shook her head. "I had the biggest crush on you in middle school. That's why I never talked to you." She admitted.

"Really? I just thought you never noticed me." I looked down at her. She shook your head.

"We had a few classes together and I thought you were cute. Then I found out how cool you really were and I was hooked." She snickered.

"That so?" I scoffed. "I wish I'd known," I sighed.

"Well we could always make up for it now," she smiled. "My drummer has a crush on your friend over there. How about we go on a double date?" She suggested. I nodded.

"The dinner down the street at 6?" I asked. She nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled. She turned to the stage. "(Y/b/f)! I got you a date!" She yelled. I smirked and turned to Gareth.

"Gareth I got you a date!" I yelled. His face flushed red and he walked over just as (Y/b/f) walked over.

"We're going on a double date tomorrow, me and Eddie, and you two love birds." (Y/n) rubbed her knuckles into her friend's head.

"Stop that!" She smacked her hand away. "Sounds good," she looked at Gareth. "I'm (Y/b/f)," she shook his hand.

"Gareth, you're an amazing drummer." He smiled.

"Thanks honey," she smiled. By the look on his face I could tell he was so smitten for her. "I gotta finish packing up so, I'll see you tomorrow," she flashed a sweet smile before hopping back onto stage.

"I'll see you tomorrow Munson," (Y/n) then stood on her tip toes and pecked me on the cheek. "Bye Gareth." She waved. He waved back and I sighed happily as I watched her hop back onto stage. Gareth and I walked to the van and the panic started to set in.

"We have a date tomorrow," Gareth looked at me as I started the van.

"Holy shit," I laughed.

"What do I do?" Gareth asked.

"Here's what you do man," I started. "You get her something nice, you dress respectfully, you smell good, you treat her like a goddess, and then you just act like a normal dude." I instructed him. "Think you can do that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah I think I got it." He nodded.

"Now let's get our beauty rest." I joked putting the van in drive.

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