Married life

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You walked around picking up your living room since you'd just woken up. You were supposed to go to work but decided to call out and be with Eddie. He had started picking up night shift slots with Wayne about a month ago. You looked at the clock on the wall. 7:30. He'd be home any second now. You smiled and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Eddie's pov
I yawned as I parked the van in the driveway. I tossed the cap that went with my uniform on he dashboard and got out.

I walked to the front door, my messy bun bouncing lightly as I walked. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I then saw (Y/n) sitting on the couch watching tv with a mug in hand. I smiled seeing her messy bed hair, her dressed in my old hellfire shirt. "Morning," she smiled.

"Morning," I walked over and pecked her on the lips. "I thought you were supposed to go to work." I sat beside her as she handed me a mug from the side table.

"I called out, I wanted to spend some time with you." She cuddled up to me, my arms immediately wrapping around her.

"What time are we supposed to drop Waylen off?" I asked.

"8:30," she replied.

"I can't believe he's starting preschool." I sighed.

"I know," she shook her head. "Do you work tonight?" She then asked me.

"Yeah, and I won't be home until later, I decided to take overtime to make some extra money." I told her.

"Okay, what time should you go to bed?" She asked me.

"Well, I have to be there at 7 and it takes an hour to get there so I should wake up at 5..." I thought for a moment. "Maybe around 3." I sighed.

"Can't you just switch to day shift?" She questioned.

"I wish I could, but those slots are filled so until someone switches out I'm stuck on night shift." I replied.

"Mommy?" I turned to see Waylen standing in the hallway.

"We're here bud," I told him. He walked in, rubbing his brown eyes. His long curls fell from his messy ponytail, his dinosaur onesie sleeves were rolled up, and his small blanket in his hand, partly dragging on the ground. He walked over and he crawled into our laps, immediately holding onto (Y/n).

"How'd you sleep?" She asked him.

"I had a dream that I was famous." He told her. "I could play electric guitar like dad." He smiled at me.

"That's my boy," I fist bumped him. "Why don't you get ready for school while mommy and I make breakfast." I told him. He nodded and got up, quickly running to his room. We both walked to the kitchen and I leaned against the counter as my wife got out the pancake mix. I couldn't help but admire her as she walked around. She then looked over at me and I quickly looked away.

"I caught you," she walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Damn," I shook my head with a smile. She giggled and pulled me down for a kiss. It was a short kiss but all the same made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. She then let me go and walked over to the stove and started cooking.

"Check on the boy will ya'." She joked. I nodded and walked over to Waylen's room. I snickered as I saw him struggling to fix his hair.

"Need help?" I questioned. He turned and looked up at me, nodding. I threw him over my shoulder and brought him to the bathroom, putting him on the counter. I took my spray bottle and brush and started to brush through his tangled hair. I then sprayed it and scrunched it a little. I turned his head in different directions to see if it looked good. Once he approved I helped him off the bathroom counter. I walked with him to the dining room table as (Y/n) set down three plates. We sat down together and ate before she got up to get ready.

Your pov
Once you were all ready you drove to Waylen's preschool. You parked and Eddie helped Waylen out of his seat, putting him on his shoulders. You smiled as you got out of the car and walked with them to the gate. Eddie put him down and Waylen walked to the gate. The teacher talked with other kids and she smiled, waving at you and your family. You smiled and waved back. Waylen quickly turned and ran into your legs, gripping you tightly.

"Don't make me go," he whimpered. You looked up at Eddie, who just shrugged. You knelt down and hugged the 4 year old.

"You'll have fun, I promise." You told him.

"But what if the other kids are mean to me?" He asked.

"Punch them," Eddie told him.

"No!" You glared at Eddie. "You tell me and I'll take care of it." You told him.

"Forget what I said, that's scarier." Eddie told him, making him laugh. He knelt beside you and hugged Waylen. "You got this okay?" He smiled at him, Waylen pouting in return. "How about this, you go to school, if you like it I'll teach your guitar, if you don't you can wait for another year." Eddie told him. You quickly looked at him and he looked at you, his eyes asking for you to trust him. You sighed and looked at Waylen.

"I can work with that." He smirked. "Deal," he stuck his hand out and they shook hands.

"Alright, we'll see you later, have fun." Eddie hugged him.

"I love you guys," Waylen then hugged you.

"Love you too baby," you smiled as he then walked into school. You felt tears welling up in your eyes at the sight of your baby now starting to grow up.

"Are you crying?" Eddie stood up. You quickly stood and shook your head.

"No," you lied. He looked at you, clearly not believing you. "Maybe," he raised his eyebrows. "Okay, a little but can you blame me?" You smiled.

"No," he sighed. "Soon he'll be driving and bringing girls home." Eddie winced.

"No, we're far from that, and no girls coming over." You told him, making him laugh.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." He told you.

"Don't make me divorce you." You joked. Eddie laughed and took your hand as you started back for your car.

"You love me too much to do that and you know it." He smirked.

"True," you nodded. You both got in the car and drove home.

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