I hate you (pt.2)

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You and Eddie searched for what felt like forever. The sun was getting lower, leaving the sky with orange and pink colors. You were currently looking somewhat near the little house. Then you noticed the motor bike sitting beside the porch. "God damn it," you muttered. You turned and started back to the forest but paused when you heard a door quickly thrown open. "What are you doing punk?! Trying to steal my bike?!" You heard Mr. Odonld yell. You then took off running, hopping to find Eddie so you two can get out of there. You then heard a loud bang, the sound echoed through the trees as you felt a sharp pain in your side. You quickly dropped to the ground and waited for him to leave. You heard the door slam shut and you stood.

"(Y/N)?!" You heard Eddie yell.

"OVER HERE!" You yelled back as you did rhythmic breathing. You watched as he found you and he ran over.

"Are you okay? I heard a gunshot?" He then started to look you over. "You got shot," he looked at your side as your shirt started to stain dark red from the blood. "There's a bullet in you, I see it." He looked deep at the wound.

"Yeah, well I feel it, so can we go?" You looked up at him.

"Right," you two clung to each other as you struggled through the forest back to the school. You felt your body slowly starting to get weaker. You were bleeding out too fast.

"Eddie," you whimpered. He looked down at you, quickly realizing you were in a lot of pain.

"Let's wait here for a second." He helped you sit on the ground. "Can I look?" He asked. You nodded and he lifted your shirt looking at your wound. "It's bleeding a lot," he sighed.

"How bad is it?" You asked.

"Pretty bad," he replied. "I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise." He told you. You nodded softly. He then pulled off his leather jacket and Jean vest. You watched with interest as he pulled off his hellfire shirt. "Eyes up here, (y/l/n)." He joked. You laughed weakly. "Hold this," he pulled up your shirt.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Just trust me," he told you. You held your shirt up and he tried this shirt around your torso. The pressure hurt but it provided more stability. He then put his jacket and vest back on while you dropped your shirt. "Can you walk?" He asked. You tried to get up but your legs were shaky and were about to give out.

"Just leave me here, run and get someone to help." You told him.

"Are you crazy (y/n)?! I'm not gonna leave you here alone in the dark." He shook his head.

"Eddie, I can't run or walk." You told him. He sighed and looked around. Things were starting to get blurry for you, your eyelids feeling heavier by the second.

"Hey, stay with me," he pat your face gently. You groaned softly. "(Y/n/n), please don't close your eyes." He begged softly. You nodded weakly. "Come here," he pulled you into his arms and stood. "Son of a bitch my ankle," he hissed. He looked down at you as you clutched his jacket tightly. He started to rush through the trees, trying to find the road so he could use a phone. You would black out then regain consciousness every now and then and that was causing Eddie to freak out.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die." He muttered. He repeated that a few times which made you hold him close. Providing both of you a little more comfort. After a while of rushing you heard Eddie sigh with relief. "Yes, a road," he ran and looked around. You buried your face in his jacket as you felt him start sprinting. He then struggled as he knocked the door frantically. "Come on, come on." He panicked. The door opened. "I need your help," he told someone.

"Come in," a lady told him. That was when everything went black.

Eddie's Pov

I held (Y/n) as the lady called 911. I watched her (y/e/c) eyes look around weakly. "I got you okay? You're gonna be okay," I told her. She looked at me before her eyes closed. "(Y/n)?" I shook her gently. She didn't move. "(Y/n), please wake up." I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"There's an ambulance on their way." The lady told me.

"Thank you so much." I looked up at her.

"What even happened?" She asked.

"We we're looking for the motor bike that got lost in the woods and she went off around the house and I was looking deeper into the woods. There was a gunshot and I ran as fast as I could to find her and when I did she was shot. I should've been with her, I should be the one shot not her." I placed my forehead on (y/n)'s.

"You love her a lot don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I always have. She thought I hated her when in reality I thought the world of her." I replied. I then heard sirens. I jumped up and ran out. The paramedics took out a gurney and I placed her on it. "Will she be okay?" I asked.

"We don't know," the male paramedic told me. I hoped in the back as they put her in the back. I held her hand as the ambulance started driving.


I sat in the ER while a nurse wrapped my ankle. "Try and stay off it and try and ice it. It should feel better soon." The nurse told me.

"Thank you," I sighed.

"Would you like me to check on her?" She asked. I nodded and she left the room. My leg was bouncing as my anxiety grew. I need her to be okay. After a moment alone the nurse returned. "So I have bad and good news," she told me.

"Bad first please." I looked up at her.

"She was shot in the liver and lost a lot of blood. But the good news is she'll be perfectly fine. She's actually in a room and awake if you want to see her." She told me.

"Take me too her." I replied. She nodded and lead me down a hallway into the main hospital. She then led me up some stairs and down another hall. She then stood in front of a room.

"I'll be back to check on you two," she told me before leaving. I opened the door and walked in.

Your Pov

You laid there looking around the cold white room. You could hear talking outside the door and it open and close. Expecting a doctor you looked over and to your surprise it was Eddie. Tears were brimming his eyes. He rushed over and hugged you. "Calm down Munson, I'm not dead yet." You joked.

"I thought you were gonna die." He whispered. He pulled away and you taped your bed. He sat beside you as you took his hand.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"For?" He questioned.

"Getting me here. The doctor told me that if I were to get back even a few minutes later I'd probably be dead." You told him. "Also it's cute to see that you care," you added. He snickered and hung his head. "I can't help but think you have a little crush on me." You teased.

"And what if I do?" He smiled.

"I'd hope you'd ask me out or kiss me maybe." You told him.

"I think I can do that," he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours. He then pulled away. "When we get out of here, would you like to go to Enzos?" He smiled.

"Enzos? How fancy," you smiled back. "I'd love to." You pulled him into a kiss once again.

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