The princess (pt. 2)

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Eddie's pov
I looked in the mirror as I adjusted my shirt. My uncle Wayne walked in with a black vest, a smile on his face. "Be respectful yeah?" He helped me put it on and he looked me over, patting my shoulder.

"Of course," I nodded. I looked in the mirror once again. The black vest matched my black trousers, my puffy white sleeves popping from the sleeveless vest. My hair was tied back, my bangs remaining where they usually sat.

"Boys, are you ready? You'll be late!" Dustin's mother called out. Wayne and I rushed to the dining room. Dustin and I matched except for the ridiculous hat he wore. It was black with a turkey feather protruding from the side. "Bring these to them," Dustin's mother handed me a plate of freshly made tarts.

"Of course Ms. Henderson." I smiled. She smiled back and I looked at Dustin. "Let's go," we both walked outside and to the palace.

"Your nervous," Dustin told me.

"No," I lied.

"Whatever you say, I can see the way your hands keep fiddling with the plate." He pointed out. I looked down at my sweaty hands. "So?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm just a tad nervous," I admitted.

"I knew it," he smirked.

"Shut it," I laughed. It was then we reached the palace. The guards looked at us questionably as we stepped forward. "Good day, we were invited for dinner by the lovely Princess (Y/n)." I told them. They looked at each other before looking back at me. Suddenly the doors opened from inside. There she stood. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped slightly at the sight.

Her dress was white with light pink accents, her tiara sitting on her head, her (y/h/c) hair flowing elegantly. "They are our guests," she told the guards. "Let them through." She smiled at me. I smiled back as the guards stepped aside.

Dustin and I followed her to the dining hall. The king sat at the head of the table as he looked over some letters. "Father, our guests have arrived," she then looked down at the plate in my hand. "And they come with treats." She took the plate from me and placed it in the center of the table.

I looked around at the paintings hanging on the walls and the beautiful archways and the fireplace that was lit with an elegantly carved mantle above it.

"Welcome, thank you for helping my daughter." He stood and shook my hand.

"Of course, any kind person would do the same," I nodded.

"The food will be out shortly, (Y/n) would you like to show them around?" He asked his daughter. She nodded and looked at Dustin and I.

"Can I stay here?" Dustin asked me. I looked at (Y/n) and she shrugged.

"Yes, just behave." I told him.

"I should be telling you that." He joked, making me chuckle.

"I'll keep him in check," (Y/n) winked. I smirked at the gesture.

"She's right," I nodded.

"Well, come on then," she started for the door and I quickly followed. We walked around admiring all the art work and portraits. She stopped when we got to the large family portrait. She sighed at the sight of a younger version of her standing beside her mother.

"You miss her?" I noticed her light frown.

"Greatly," she nodded. "What's your mother like?" She asked me.

"I wouldn't know, I lost my parents when I was an infant. My father was a thief and was executed and my mother died giving birth to me." I told her.

"I'm so sorry," she placed her hand on my arm.

"It's alright, I never really knew them." I reassured her.

"So it's just been you?" She questioned.

"No, I live with my father's brother and Dustin's widowed mother. We help each other out and live together. Dustin is like a little brother to me." I smiled. She smiled back and nodded.

"He's lucky to have you," she hesitated before taking my hand in hers. I saw her eyes look down at my lips but quickly flickered up to my eyes. I cupped her cheek gently and I pulled her into a kiss. Her hands moved to my jawline as she kissed back. I pulled away and she smiled, a light blush darkening her cheeks.

"As much as I loved that, we shouldn't have. I'm a peasant.." I told her.

"Forget that, I don't want some duke or prince. I want you, I always have and I always will." She told me.

"Really?" I smiled. She nodded. "You sure we can do this?" I asked her.

"Yes," she replied softly.

"Well, I'm here to court you then." I smiled. She smiled back and nodded.

"Well, I accept. I just have to get rid of Jason and talk to my father. Until then I'll write you daily." She told me. I nodded and pulled her into another kiss. She giggled as she pulled away. "We should get going before they suspect something," she took my hand and we walked back into the dining hall.

Your pov
Dinner was perfect. You sat beside Eddie and held his hand under the table the whole time. It was hard to see him and Dustin leave for the night but you remembered what you had told Eddie. You had to get rid of Jason and convince your father to let him court you. You swayed down the halls to your sleeping chambers as you replayed the kiss in your head.

You had admired Eddie from afar since you were in your early teens and now that you were 20 you finally had him. You'd give up all the fancy dresses, jewels and even the palace just to be with him. And you knew you'd do whatever it takes to be with him.

Jason had been staying with you and your father while he was visiting the kingdom. Everyday was an attempt of trying to win you over, which clearly wasn't working. You opened to door to your chambers and you jumped when you saw Jason sitting on your bed, his shirt unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest.

"Welcome back my love." He smiled. It was then you realized just how much pent up you really had. You had decided then and there that you were going to do what you wished.

(A/n): okay I'm deciding this now I'm making this a mini series 😂

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