The party

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"Come on (y/n) please? Just this one time!" Dustin begged you.

"No!" You told him shutting your bedroom door. He then started to repeatedly knock on your door.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)," Dustin repeated. You groaned loudly and stomped over to the door. You quickly opened the door.

"WHAT?!" You snapped.

"Why cant you just go?! I don't see a problem," he told you.

"I just don't want to," you lied.

"It's someone right? Is it Mike? I know you two don't get along but-"

"It's not Mike," you sighed. He raised an eyebrow.

"So it's someone?" He questioned. You rolled your eyes. "Is it Nancy?" He then asked. You crossed your arms as you looked at him. He then gasped. "Is it Eddie?!" He asked. You felt your stomach drop at the name. You'd only met Eddie once or twice but you had developed a little crush on him. You uncrossed your arms and looked down. "That's it, you don't like Eddie!" He claimed. You scoffed and started to close your door again. He then pushed it back open. "Wait! That's not it," his eyes widened. "You have a crush on him!" He smirked.

"No!" You shook your head as you felt your face grow hot.

"You're blushing! You do!" He pointed at you. "Look I think he's into you too." He told you. He then smirked.

"Dustin please don't tell him anything." You sighed.

"Oh I'm not going to say a word," he said smugly. You recognized that face and you sighed.

"You're gonna make me tell him aren't you?" You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Loud and clear. And every little tiny detail." He crossed his arms.

"You're an asshole you know that," you rolled your eyes.

"You'll thank me later, now get ready for the party will you!" He then ran to his room. You sighed and closed your door again.


You were driving over to Steve's place. You could feel Dustin starring at you and you look over, dreading to see what face he was making now. He was still smirking at me. "What?" You sighed.

"You like Eddie." He teased in a sing song voice.

"I hate you," you ran a hand through your hair.

"I love you too (y/n/n)." He smiled. You pulled up to Steve's place and parked.

"I can't do this," you hid your face in your hands.

"Hey, jokes aside, you'll be okay," he reassured you. "I'll be here the whole time." He placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and nodded. "So what are you gonna do?" He smirked, holding out his fist.

"Gonna party like the bad bitch I am," you grinned, fist bumping him.

"That's the sister I know and love!" He laughed. "Alright let's go," he then hopped out of the car. You followed and entered the house. You quickly found Robin and grabbed a beer with her.

"So have you confessed to Eddie yet?" She asked.

"Robin, you ask me that every time I see you and I see you literally everyday. And has my answer ever changed?" You asked her.

"No but it's so obvious, you too clearly like each other." She said confidently.

"Whatever, Dustin is making me do it tonight." You took a sip from your can as you watched Eddie throw Dustin over his shoulder and start to run around. You smiled and your (y/e/c) met his brown ones. He smiled and continued to rough house.

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