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"Bye Mrs. Myers, their in good hands." You smiled to the woman as she waved before getting in her car.

"(Y/n)," Eddie called. You looked over at Asher, the 3 month old, was flipping you off. "Look what I just taught him!" Eddie smiled proudly. You shook your head.

"Where's the other two?" You questioned. Eddie picked up Asher and handed him to you as he looked around.

"I'm not sure." He replied with a nervous tone in his voice. "I'll find them," he sighed. You snickered and you looked down at Asher. His bright blue eyes looked around your face. You smiled and he mimicked you as he screeched happily, causing you laugh. You sat on the couch with him and watched whatever was on Tv. I then heard screaming. Eddie came running into the room as Johnny and Norah ran behind him with foam swords. You laughed as Eddie held you for protection.

"Norah?" You held out your free hand and she sighed as she handed you the sword. You then winked at her and started to beat Eddie with it.

"(Y/n)! Stop!" Eddie laughed.

"No!" You shouted as you continued to hit him. You looked down and Asher was falling asleep. "Norah take over for me," you tossed her the sword and she caught it, to then start hitting Eddie, Johnny quickly joining. You walked over to the nursery and you cradled Asher gently as you waited for him to fall asleep.

You heard the door creak open and a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You turned to see Eddie smiling down at you. "I could get used to seeing you with a baby," he told you. You giggled and shook your head.

"Where's the other two?" You asked.

"Watching a movie," he replied. He looked down at the baby in your arms. "He's asleep," he looked back up at you. You turned and placed the infant in his crib. Eddie then spun you around and pulled you close. "You know, the other two are distracted and that's one's asleep," he smirked. "And there's 6 empty bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with locks." He bit his lip as he looked you over.

"As much as I'd love to, I'd rather not lose my job." You told him. "We're making 70 each. How much is that total?" You asked him.

"140," he replied. You nodded. "We're walking home with that much?" His eyes widened. You nodded once again.

"These guys are loaded and sadly would rather go out and party than take care of their amazing kids. But that's what pays the bills." You sighed. He nodded. "Tonight though," you smirked. He smirked back and took your hand. You two walked into the living room and the twins were sitting on the carpet, focused on the cartoon. Norah looked over at you and Eddie as you sat on the couch behind them. She turned and looked up at you two.

"I'm hungry," she whimpered. You looked at Eddie.

"Pizza?" Eddie asked. Johnny quickly turned around and they both nodded frantically. You turned to Eddie.

"Wanna call?" You asked. He nodded and got up, walking over to the phone.

"Cheese pizza please!" The two requested. They looked up at you and smiled.

"How old are you?" Johnny questioned.

"19," you replied.

"Are you a princess?" Norah then asked.

"Sadly no," you giggled.

"Can you and Eddie be our new mommy and daddy?" Johnny asked. Your eyes widened.

"Why would you ask that?" The two moved up to sit where Eddie once was.

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