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A/n: it's a bit of a sad one.
You sat on the couch as the rain poured outside, a book open in your lap as you took a sip of your tea. You smiled as you heard the front door open. You looked up to see your 6 year old daughter, Belle. She was drenched in water and she took off her wet coat, placing it on the lowered hook you had made for her. She turned and smiled when she saw you. She rushed over and sat beside you, getting under the warm blanket and cuddling up to you. "What book are you reading now?" She asked.

"The Hobbit," you replied.

"Again?" Her eyes widened teasingly. You nodded and held her close with one arm as you placed a Polaroid of you and Eddie between the pages and closed it with your free hand.

"You know why I read it so much?" You asked her.

"It was dad's favorite." She looked up at you. You nodded and sighed softly. "Can you tell me about him?" She asked.

"I've told you almost everything already." You brushed her wet hair behind her ear.

"I know, but I never got to meet him so I like to refresh my memory." She told you. You nodded before rubbing your face, deciding if you were mentally ready to talk about him that day. "Okay I'll tell you about him, but first go get some pajamas and dry your hair, I don't want you getting sick." You pecked her forehead before she hopped off the couch and ran to her bedroom.

Eddie had been gone for almost 7 years now. After hell broke loose in Hawkins you moved to London since shortly after Eddie died you found out you were pregnant. You two were engaged when he passed and were planning to get married in August after he finally graduated. When you were hiding from the cops with Eddie in Rick's shed he couldn't help but distract himself with thinking of his future with you. So the two of you thought of baby names. You picked Jay if it was a boy and he picked Belle if it was a girl. He picked Belle because For Whom the Bell Tolls was the song he was playing on his guitar when he first saw you.

He'd be proud of your little girl. She was very smart and was already learning how to drum like her mother. On top of that she was beautiful. She had your nose and Eddie's hair and eyes. The thing that made you happiest is that she has his smile and attitude that you loved. Eddie's uncle loved visiting from Hawkins to see her, she called him Grandpa Wayne. For her 6th birthday Wayne had given her Eddie's guitar pic necklace which she still haven't taken off, many months later.

Belle then came running back into the room and dove onto the couch. "Now time for your side of the deal." She grinned. You nodded and she cuddled up to you again.

"What do you wanna know?" You asked.

"How did you meet?" She smiled.

"I've told you that story thousands of times," you smiled.

"If my favorite," she admitted. You nodded.

"Well, again I don't promote doing this when you get older, some friends and I were able to make some fake IDs and we snuck into this bar. My best friend at the time was dating the drummer and I hadn't met him or his friends because we were in different grades, with me being older than her and her boyfriend. And I remember ordering a beer and sitting with her at a table to watch the band her boyfriend was in and my eyes immediately landed on the lead singer and guitarist. He was playing your favorite song and he was amazing at it." You told her.

"And that's why I'm named Belle right?" She smiled. You nodded as your smile grew.

"Yup, and the first time we saw each other I knew and I think he did too because the whole show he smiled at me and played and sang." Your smile started to fade softly. "After the show the band and us girls went out to dinner and I got to know him. Eddie was.." you paused looking for the right words. "Amazing. A bit of a trouble maker none the less but I fell for him and I fell hard." You looked down at your daughter as sparkles filled her eyes. "We we're dating a month later and engaged three years later." You told her.

"Mommy," she took your hand. "How did.." she hesitated as she saw the saddened look on your face. "How did he die?" She asked softly. You just look at her for a moment.

"He died a hero, protecting Hawkins." You said, trying to keep it together as the horrific memories filled your mind. "I'll tell you that story but that's later on." You needed to be alone. "Have you worked on your drumming today?" You asked. She shook her head. "Well, you wanna get good right?" You smiled. She nodded. "Then go practice," you pecked her cheek. She sighed and hopped off the couch and walked to her room. You sighed as tears started to roll down your cheeks.

To your surprise there was then a knock at your door. You quickly wiped your tears away and stood. You walked over to the door and opened it. Your eyes we're looking down at a familiar pair of white shoes. Your eyes slowly trailed up. The black ripped jeans, chain clipped to the belt loops,handcuff belt buckle, bandana hanging loosely from the back pocket. You hesitated before continuing. The hellfire t-shirt with the leather jacket with water drops running down it as the rain continued to pour. You then looked up and into those brown eyes. The wild hair and his face. He was there.


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