The concert

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Request by @Brookelyn962
"Do you have to go?" Liv frowned up at her dad as you did his eyeliner in your bathroom. She hopped onto your bed in your connected bedroom and sat there with crossed arms and crossed legs.

"Yeah, kiddo, I'm sorry." He told her.

"You're always leaving to do gigs." She told him.

"This is the last one for a while, I promise." He told your 13 year old. She groaned and left the room. "Why does she make me feel so guilty?" He sighed.

"Because she's your daughter and she's a teenager, she's gonna make it a goal to make our lives hell for a bit." You replied as you placed the pencil down and looked at his eyes. You placed a small kiss to his nose. "You're good to go." You told him.

"How come you don't beg me to stay?" He asked you.

"Because I know you love playing plus it's only for the night." You told him. He nodded and sighed. You looked him over. His hair was messy, per usual. He wore the same shoes he's had since high school with this black ripped jeans and a black tank top with his jean vest over it.

"Why are you staring so much?" He smirked down at you as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Because you look hot as hell." You admitted. He chuckled and kissed you patting your butt lightly.

"I'll be back okay," he pecked you on the forehead before picking up his guitar case and walking out of the room.

Suddenly the phone rang and when you went to answer it stopped. You walked out of your bedroom and down the hall to see Eddie place the phone down. "Who was that?" You asked.

"Gareth, the gig was canceled." He sighed.

"So you get to stay?" Liv questioned.

"Yup," he dropped to the couch. You knew how much he hated when gigs got canceled, it was his way to escape reality. Liv looked at you, you could sense her gilt.

"Dad?" She tapped Eddie's arm. He looked at her.

"Yeah?" He smiled softly.

"Do you wanna put on the most metal performance of your fucking life?" She smirked. He smirked back and nodded. "Get the guitar, mom, get ready it's gonna get fucking crazy." She told you, making you smile. You three headed to your garage which quickly turned into Eddie's man cave/band practice room once you moved into your cute little home.

Liv would come out here every now and then. She was a brave kid. Like her dad she was labeled as a freak because of how she dressed and how she talked. The kid wore leather often and fish nets with band t-shirts or a tank top with chains hanging from the waist band of her skirts or jeans and she cussed like a sailor. Though she denied it you knew she smoked, you could smell the cigarettes when she talked. She was different but so we're you and Eddie when you were her age.

When you got out the the camera the two couldn't help but groan. "What? I have to film things like this!" You laughed.

"No you don't," Liv shook her head.

"Please, I want to look back on these when you're all grown up." You pleaded. She looked up at Eddie.

"Don't look at me, she's in charge not me." He put his hands up defensively.

"Fine," she sighed. "What was the set list?" She asked. Eddie pulled a sheet of folded paper from his pocket and handed it to her. "One, Master of Puppets, Girls Girls Girls, Nothin but a Good time, I was Made for Lovin' you, You've got another thing coming, Crazy." She read off. Crazy by Aerosmith was a song you held close to your heart. The night Eddie had confessed his feelings for you he played this song for you on his guitar and he sang it to you while you were drinking on his bed together.

"Our song?" You smiled at him. He nodded.

"You guys are so cute," Liv said sarcastically.

"Do you wanna get grounded?" You threatened.

"I'm already grounded for getting suspended," she told you. Eddie looked at you.

"I forgot to tell you that," you admitted. He looked at his daughter.

"Anyway, can we get the this show started?" She looked at her dad. He nodded and started the soft guitar riff for one. You sat there and held the camera as you watched them.

When Liv joined on the drums it was almost like you were listening to the song on tape again. This song was challenging for not guitar and drums but you knew they were very capable to pull it off. The two kick drums you'd gotten Liv for Christmas last year were her favorite presents she'd ever gotten the moment she hooked them up to the rest of her set she tried to master one and she did in a week.

The two were naturals and every song they played was perfect.

After playing for what seemed like hours it then got to the last song. Liv started off with the drums and Eddie quickly followed, replacing the original instruments with his guitar.

"Say you're leaving on a seven thirty train
And that you're heading out to Hollywood." Eddie sang. "Girl, you been givin' me that line so many times it kinda gets like feeling bad looks good. That kinda loving turns a man to a slave.

"That kinda loving sends a man right to his grave. I go crazy, crazy baby, I go crazy. You turn it on, then you're gone. Yeah, you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby." You giggled as Eddie looked up at you as he sang.

"What can I do, honey?
I feel like the color blue. You're packing up your stuff and talking like it's tough and trying to tell me that it's time to go. But, I know you ain't wearin' nothing underneath that over coat and it's all a show. That kinda loving, makes me wanna pull down the shade," Eddie winked at you, Liv not noticing as she focused on the drums. "That kinda loving, yeah, now I'm never, never, never gonna be the same. I go crazy, crazy. Baby, I go crazy. You turn it on, then you're gone, yeah, you drive me crazy crazy, crazy for you baby. What can I do, honey? I feel like the color blue. I'm losing my mind, girl 'cause I'm going cra.." he played the gentle guitar solo and it was just like the first time, his eyes closed in focus and you sitting there, love struck and in awe.

"I need your love, honey. I need your love." He sang gently. "Crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. I'm losing my mind, girl 'cause I'm going crazy crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. You turn it on then, you're gone. Yeah, you drive me." He finished as they both worked their instruments. When the song finished you turned the camera off and Eddie pulled his guitar over his shoulder and put it in the case before walking over and hugging his daughter.

"Thanks, I really needed this." He smiled down at her.

"I did too," she smiled back. They then turned and looked at you. They then rushed over and tackled you out of your chair, the three of you laughing hysterically.

"I love you," Eddie pecked your lips.

"Ewww!" Liv made a face at the two of you.

"I'll tell you something more 'ewww' if you keep that up," Eddie threatened.

"I'll shut up." She quickly replied, making you chuckle. "In all seriousness, I love you too mom." She smiled.

"I love both of you with my life." You smiled back at the two of them.

"Now what's for dinner?" Liv asked.

"Oh my lord," you pushed them off of you and stood. They quickly got to their feet.

"Just a hint?" Eddie questioned.

"I can't with you two." You told them as you walked out of the room.

"I'm guessing that's a no," you heard Liv say.

"I think so." Eddie sighed, making you chuckle.

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