The no show

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Request by @-OHGABY
You were walking to your car when Eddie came running up to you. "(Y/n), wait." He panted, leaning against your car. "Don't leave yet," he held up a finger signing you to wait as he caught his breath.

"Are you okay?" You snickered.

"I'm fine," he stood straight and looked down at you. "So you wanted to join Hellfire right?" He asked you. You nodded. "Well, we need a new player." He told you.

"So you want me?" You questioned. He nodded.

"Yeah," he hesitated before continuing. "Why don't you meet me at Benny's Burgers and we can talk about everything, I have somewhere to be right now so how about 5?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's fine." You nodded.

"Sweet, I'll see you later then." He then ran to his van and raced away.

"Okay, then." You got in your car and drove home.

When it came closer to the time of the meeting you got ready with a large smile on your face.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on the metal head. Your best friend, Dustin, would tease you constantly about it but he was also the biggest supporter. He told you that you had a huge chance and that you two would be perfect together.

So when Eddie finally decided to let you into hellfire you were ecstatic.

When you got to Benny's you didn't see his van. You walked inside as a waitress smiled at you.

"Take a seat anywhere sweetheart, I'll be right there." She told you as she placed a plate in front of a man. You walked to a table in the back and you sat at the table, facing the door. The waitress walked over and handed you a menu. "Just you today?" She smiled.

"No, I'm waiting on someone," you told her. She nodded.

"Would you like something to drink while you wait?" She asked.

"Just a water," you told her. She nodded and walked away. You looked out the window as you waited. The trees softly swaying in the light breeze. The sun beaming on the beautiful summer day.

"Here you are," you turned as the waitress set the glass down. "Still waiting?" She questioned. You nodded. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked.

"No I'm good, thank you though." You smiled softly. She smiled back and nodded, walking away. You glanced at the clock, 5:15. "He's probably just running late." You told yourself.

As time passed the waitress checked on you multiple times and you were losing hope that he was going to show up.

Your eyes were brimming with tears and you looked up at the clock. 6:13. You saw the waitress and waved her over. You handed her a $10 bill. "For the water and you can keep whatever's left." You told her.

"Thank you," she held a finger up before walking to the back. She then came back out with a small tub. "I packed some ice cream in there, on the house." She smiled softly.

"Thank you," you smiled weakly back. You took the tub and left.

You pulled into your driveway and you placed the tub in the freezer.

You were heartbroken and angry. Why did he set you up? Was this a joke? Did he forget? You didn't know but an idea popped in your head. You rushed to your phone. You quickly dialed and waited.

"Pick up, pick up," you muttered as it rang. You then heard the other end pick up.

"Hello?" Dustin questioned.

"Dustin I need your help." You told him.

"Um, with what?" He could hear the tone of your voice and he knew something was wrong.

"Where does Eddie live?" You asked him.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Just answer the damn question." You sighed.

"Um at the trailer park, across from Max. Is everything okay? You sound pissed." He asked, worry filled in his voice.

"I'm just gonna talk to him," you told him. "I'll see you tomorrow," you said, hanging up. You grabbed your keys one again and rushed to your car.

You drove like a madwoman as you gripped your steering wheel in anger.

You pulled into the trailer park and saw Mac's trailer and across from it was a trailer with a familiar van parked in front of it. You parked beside it and walked over to the door. You hesitated before knocking.

You waited patiently as it opened, Wayne standing there. He looked down at you. "Can I help you?" He questioned.

"I'm looking for Eddie," you told him. He nodded and stepped back, allowing you to walk inside. You looked around at all the caps on the wall.

"I'll get him for you," he told you before walking down the hall. You stood there, arms crossed as you waited. "Eddie," he knocked on the door. It opened and you couldn't quite see him but you could hear him. "There's a girl here for you." Wayne told him.

"What?" Eddie sounded confused.

"See for yourself," his uncle turned and Eddie walked down the hall and his eyes widened as he saw you.

"Hi Edward," you looked him over. He was in sweatpants and a tank top, his hair wrapped up in a messy bun.

"(Y/n)," he breathed out.

"Oh so you do remember I exist, okay just checking." You smiled.

"How do you know where I live?!" He questioned.

"I have my ways," you replied bluntly. Wayne then walked out of the hall.

"I'm going out," he told Eddie.

"Take me with you," he pleaded.

"No, I don't know what you did to upset her, but you're gonna resolve it." He told him. Wayne turned to me. "Have a good night," he then opened the door and walked out. You looked at Eddie.

"I know you must hate me right now.." he told you.

"Mhmm, go on." You looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he walked over and grabbed your biceps.

"What's your excuse Munson? Let me hear it." You told him.

"I don't have one except for I got too nervous." He looked down, shame and guilt written all over his face.

"Eddie, you left me there alone, like an idiot for an hour. The waitress felt so bad she game me ice cream for free!" You took a step back from him.

"And again I'm so sorry, I was gonna go, but you just make me nervous. I get sweaty and my heart goes so fast I feel like I'm gonna die, and you make me want to throw up." He told you. You tensed and glared at him at the last part. "IN A GOOD WAY! Christ I'm horrible." He muttered. "You don't gross me out or anything, quite the opposite actually. Look I think you're amazing in every way. And I.." he took a deep breath. "I like you a lot. Like like, you know." He started to fiddle with the hem of his tank top.

If was your turn to feel guilty now. "I'm sorry for thinking you dipped to make me look stupid." You apologized.

"Don't be, I left you hanging and that was on me." He walked over and held your shoulders, caressing them gently. "I'm so sorry," he told you.

"I forgive you," you sighed. "You said you like like me?" You smiled softly. He scoffed and nodded. "What are we in 1st grade?" You teased making him chuckle. "I have feelings for you too." You told him.

"Really?" He smiled. You nodded. "Okay, tomorrow, I'll drive you to Benny's myself, I promise to never leave you again." He told you. You nodded.

"Sounds good," you smiled.

"Great," he thought for a moment before he realized something. "Dustin told you I lived here huh?" He sighed. You nodded. "What if you were gonna kill me?!" He looked at you.

"He would've helped hide your body." You joked.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He snickered.

"You could kiss me for starters." You smirked.

"I guess I could," he smirked back, pulling you into a gentle kiss.

Eddie Munson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now