Mr. Ghostface (pt. 2) (smut)

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You took the knife that sat on the bedside table and caressed his tattoos. "So pretty," you whispered. You then stopped and looked up at the mask. "Move to the headboard and maybe I'll let you cum." You taunted, getting off of him. He struggled a little bit managed to turn himself and inch his way to the headboard. You looked at his bound hands that rested on his stomach.

You crawled up to him and you smirked as you took him in your hands once again, making him let out a desperate whimper. His hips quickly bucked up into your hand causing you to let go and pin his hips to the bed. You clicked your tongue disappointingly as you shook your head.

"You're really testing my patients. I'm in charge, you listen to me. I decide who gets touched, disobey me and you get punished. Do you understand?" You asked sternly. He nodded making you smirk. "Good," your smirk then faltered and you took the knife and stabbed it into the wall above. "Hands," you held your hand out and he placed his own in yours. You then hooked his hands onto the handle of the blade and you tugged a little, making sure it was stable. "Don't move." You ordered.

"You get one more chance," you warned him as you grabbed him once again. He nodded and groaned as you started to stroke him. You knew he needed more and that you were going way too slow for him. You swiped some of his precum from his tip and placed your finger in your mouth as you looked into his eyes. He let out a groan and you couldn't help but notice how his hands fidgeted above him.

You leaned down and took him in your mouth for the second time that night and you bobbed your head, one hand resting where his happy trail starts and the other taking hold of his balls and massaging them gently. You could feel his hips tense and fight the urge to thrust into your mouth. The moans he let out here pure filth as you hollowed your cheeks and started to take him deeper.

By the way he was throbbing and twitching in your mouth you knew he was close. You suddenly pulled away and sat back, taking your hands off of him with a smug smile. "What are you doing?" He questioned, his tone sounding pained and irritated as he starred at you.

"Enjoying the view." You winked before you climbed on top of him. "It's my turn now," you told him. You moved forward so you were sitting just above his dick. You could feel him pressing against your ass as you sat there. You then started to grind your hips into his, adding pressure and friction to your clit. You let out soft whimpers as you grinded against him.

You gasped as you felt hands grab your ass. You looked over to see that Eddie's hands had gotten free and he pushed you off and tied your hands behind your back. "Incase you forgot, ghostface returns." He whispered in your ear.

Eddie pushed your head to the pillow and jerked your ass in the air. "Now I'm in charge and you are going to take my cock like a good girl." He told you. You turned your head so you could see him and used one of your bound hands to flip him off. He snickered and smacked you harshly, making you yelp. "You think you're so cute, but you're really just a slut." He told you. "You're my slut." You let out a groan as he started to rub circles on your clit. "You're already so wet. This mask turns you on huh?" You could almost hear the smirk on his lips as he questioned you.

"Yes," you whimpered.

"Wow you broke that easy huh? No bratty remarks? No vulgar gestures? Not even a sign of struggle to win back your dominance. How pathetic," he huffed. You moaned as you felt him push his tip in. In typical seasons he would give time for you to get comfortable first before he continued to fuck you senseless but this time it was different. He quickly pushed himself all the way in and started trusting. The friction burned and your nails buried into your palms as you groaned.

As his trusts continued the pain soon morphed into pleasure. Soon enough you were a moaning mess. If anyone were to walk by Steve's room it would sound like someone was watching an adult film on full volume. Every sound that came from the both of you was just pure sin. The sound of Eddie's pleasure filled groans, your pornographic moans, and the harsh sound of slapping skin filled the room.

You could feel your orgasm nearing as your legs started to shake as he took you from behind. "Oh my god," you moaned.

"You close baby?" Eddie questioned.

"Mhmm," you hummed.

"Go for it love," he told you. Your moans grew high pitched as you grew closer and closer. It came quicker then you thought and you came around him, your legs giving out. "Not yet, back on your knees." He lifted your hips as your shaky legs tried to remain keeping your body up.

"You might be done, but I'm not." He growled as he continued to slam into you. You gasped as he overworked your body the sensitivity making you tense up. "You feel so good baby, you're doing so good for me." He cooed.

It wasn't long before he came, his think ropes of seed filling you up. "Stay right there." He told you as he dug through Dustin's trick or treating bag that he had placed in the corner earlier that night. He pulled out the Polaroid camera and hopped back onto the bed and he took a picture of your mixed cum as it dripped down your thighs.

"That's a keeper," he waived it playfully.

"I hate you," you giggled. He untied your wrists and you sat up, turning to him. You pulled the mask off and smiled, kissing him gently. "There's my cute boyfriend. I thought I lost you for a sec'." You joked, making him chuckle.

"Hi," he pulled you back in for a kiss. You both quickly pulled away as your heard the door knob rattle.

"Eddie? (Y/n)?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah?" You both called out timidity.

"I swear to god if you fucked in my bed.." he started.

"Have fun cleaning the sheets Harrington." Eddie smirked making you giggle.

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