86' baby

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You did your mascara in your bathroom, the bright lights making your eyes water. You smiled as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and light kisses littered your neck. "Eddie," you giggled, turning to him. He smiled and he kissed you gently. "Ok," you pulled away slightly before he pulled you back into the kiss. "I have-" he smiled as you giggled. "To get ready." You finished pulling away. 

"Why can't we just stay here? We can cuddle with ice cream and watch a movie." He whined.

"We have to graduate baby, aren't you sick of high school?" You cupped his cheek.

"Yeah," he sighed. "I'll grab the gowns." He pecked you on the cheek before happily rushing out the door. You smiled and resumed getting ready. You then heard rushed footsteps to see Eddie holding both green robes. "Here you go my lady." He helped you put it on.

"Thank you my love." You turned and pecked him on the cheek.

"I can't believe it's happening," he smiled. "I told you this is my year." He picked you up, spinning you. You both laughed as he set you down.

"I never doubted that for a second." You told him. He pecked you on the lips before putting his gown on. "You look cute in that." You smiled.

"Oh this?" He twirled. "I mean, if you say so. You pull it off better." He looked you up and down.

"Come on dork," you grabbed his hand and lead him to your living room to see your mom.

"You two look adorable!" She screeched happily.

"Thanks mom," you started for the front door.

"Wait! I gotta take your pictures!" She pulled out the camera.

"Quick make a run for it!" You pulled Eddie.

"Aw, come on (Y/n/n), pictures. We gotta show our kids this some day." He told you. You sighed and watched as your mom walked over with her Polaroid camera. He held you close as you two smiled at the camera. The flash went off and she took the photo and held it.

"One more," she smiled. You laughed as Eddie kissed your cheek and the flash went off again. You placed your forehead on his and the flash went off again. You both looked at your mom. "I lied, that was the last one." She handed you both the photos. "You two are the cutest." She hugged you both. "Are you going out after?" She asked. You looked at Eddie.

"I'm taking her to dinner," he smiled. You looked at your mom again.

"Have fun, don't stay out too late. I'll meet you at the ceremony." She told you.

"See you," you hugged her again.

"Bye, Ms. (Y/l/n)." Eddie hugged her before you both ran to his van and started for the school.

When you showed up you sat with the other honor students while Eddie sat with everyone else in alphabetical order. You didn't really listen to the adults that spoke. The only thing on your mind was being able to get in more trouble with Eddie. You both had been dating since your Junior year and everyone knew you two would end up together forever. You and Eddie planed to start a roller rink and have a nice house with a dog, cat, music studio, pool, and two kids.

That was your dream and you were a step closer to making it a reality. Principal Higgins finally started to call people up to receive their diplomas. "With a GPA of 4.2, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)." He called. You stood as people clapped. You walked up the small stairs and you walked up to him. You took the diploma in your hands and shook his hand.

"Thank you sir." You nodded to him. He nodded back and you walked off the stage. Your eyes met Eddie's and you both smiled at each other as you took your seat. As many people went you clapped not really caring, considering you never really liked anyone there.

"Edward Munson." Higgins called. You clapped happily as he marched down the pathway and to the stage. He smiled at you as he reached your principal. They exchanged words before he took his diploma, flipping him off. You laughed as he ran down the stage and over to you, kissing you quickly before rushing to his seat. The rest of the class went and then it was over. You were finally free. You and your class threw your green caps in the air and you ran over to Eddie, hugging him tightly.

"WE DID IT EDS!" You screamed happily.

"HELL YEAH WE DID!" He kissed you happily and you pulled away. You both retrieved your caps and you left. Eddie drove you to your guy's favorite restaurant. "86'." He smiled.

"86'," you nodded, smiling back. He took your hands from across the table.

"You know, I was gonna wait to do this, but..." he stood and walked over to you. He knelt down on one knee and looked into your now wide eyes.

"Eddie," you gasped. He pulled your mother's wedding ring from his pocket and held it out to you.

"I'm gonna keep it short, bare with me." He joked. You felt tears roll down your cheeks as you chuckled, nodding. "I've loved you since that first Hellfire session Jeff brought you too. I never even thought I'd be good enough to be your friend, but I managed to become your best friend, boyfriend and now hopefully fiancé. So (Y/n/n), will you marry me?" He smiled. You nodded frantically.

"Yes," you cried happily, hugging him tightly. You let him go and he put the diamond ring on your left ring ringer. He stood and kissed you gently. You pulled away and smiled. "I love you," you whispered softly.

"I love you more," he pecked your forehead and sat back down in his seat. "Wow I'm gonna marry the (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I'm one lucky bastard." He sighed happily. You laughed and you couldn't help but smile as your imagination went wild with what your future had in store for you both.

(A/n): In honor of our husband, I decided to give him his dream because he deserves the world. Thank you guys for over 7k reads!

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