Make it up to me(pt. 2)

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You climbed on top of Eddie and stared at his nervous filled face. You searched his face questionably. Is he okay with this? "Are you gonna kiss me?" He smiled.

"I was, you just seemed off." You replied.

"Because I have a feeling where you want to take it," he told you.

"Do you not want to?" You looked at him, surprise evident in your voice.

"Trust me I do, I really do, but I kinda want to take you out a couple times before we do." He admitted.

"Really?" You smiled. He nodded. "Eddie Munson, wants to take things slow with a girl?" You giggled.

"You're different though, you're the girl of my dreams." He cupped your cheek and brought your face down, placing a gentle kiss to your lips. You remained like that for a moment before you pulled away.

"So what do you wanna do?" You asked him.

"Wait here." He smirked as he pushed you off. You snickered as you watched him rush out the room. You waited patiently before he came running back into the room with a bag in hand. "I got us..." he struggled but pulled two pairs of black plaid pajama pants. "Matching pajamas," he smiled.

Your smile grew and you stood, walking over to him. He tossed the pants and the bag onto his bed and wrapped his arms around your waist. "So we can make dinner together and watch some movies, maybe even hot cocoa." He smiled.

"You're so cute," you giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. He pulled away and brushed your hair behind your ear.

"So how does that sound?" He asked.

"Perfect," you replied.

"Let's change then sweetheart." He turned you and kissed you on the cheek from behind before letting you go. He walked back over to the bed and handed you your pants while he grabbed his own.

"What about my shirt?" You questioned.

"You can just wear one of mine," he replied. You smiled and nodded before pulling your skirt down. You noticed how Eddie froze and watched you grab your pants and pull them up your legs. You giggled as he cleared his throat and turned, failing to hide his blushing face.

"Are you blushing?" You questioned.

"No, what gave you that idea." He lied.

"So if you looked at me right now your face wouldn't be red?" You smirked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Okay well turn." You crossed your arms and waited. He hesitantly turned and his was was a light pink. "Your blushing.." you teased.

"I hate you," he smiled.

"You love it when I tease you, don't lie." You watched as he pulled his jeans off and his pajama pants on.

"Sure do," he smiled at you. You pulled your shirt off and started to rummage through his drawers for a shirt you wanted. You smiled and picked up his Metallica t-shirt that was slightly big on him. You put it on and let it fall to your mid thigh. "Christ, you're so cute." You turned to see him now shirtless.

"I'm aware," you replied.

"Okay smart ass wanna start dinner? I'll be out in a sec once I find the shirt I want." He asked you. You nodded. "Spaghetti by the way." He told you.

"Got it," you then walked into the small kitchen and grabbed a pot. You filled it with water and placed it on the stove. You smiled as you felt arms wrap around your waist. You turned to see him now in a white tank top.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Hi," you both chuckled.

"I like this, me and you, cooking dinner together, like an old married couple." He joked.

"Me too," you placed your arms around his neck and played with his hair.

"I wish I would've asked you out sooner." He sighed.

"Well you got me now." You smiled reassuringly.

"Wanna make it official?" He asked, his hope filled eyes searching yours.

"Yes," you smiled.

"Yeah?" He snickered. You nodded. "Hand," he held out his and you placed your left in his right hand. He took his left off of your waist and took off the ring on his right ring finger. "Can I keep you forever?" He joked.

"Yeah," you chuckled. He put his ring on your finger and you smiled, kissing him. He pulled away and littered your face with kisses, making you laugh. "I know it's really soon but I do love you Eds." You told him.

"I love you too sweetheart." His eyes then landed behind you. "The water's boiling." He let you go and grabbed a pack of spaghetti. He then poured half the box into the pot before wrapping his arms around you once again.

Once dinner was done you both brought your bowls to the couch and he had placed the vhs tape of Labrinth into the player before you both started to eat.

When you finished eating he took the bowls to the kitchen. When he returned you immediately climbed into his lap, holding him tightly. "What are you doing?" He smiled.

"Holding you," you replied. He then moved so he laid flat on the couch. You turned to you were laying face down on him.

Eventually you fell asleep and Eddie loved to run his fingers through your hair as he held you close.

Eddie's pov

The movie was almost over when the front door opened. To my surprise my uncle walked in. "Hey Eddie," he said about to turn the light on.

"Don't," I whispered. He quickly turned and walked over. He smiled once he realized.

"(Y/n) huh?" He asked.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"She's a good kid," he told me, making me nod in agreement.

"I thought you had work," I questioned.

"It was slow so they sent me and some other guys home." He then grabbed the top gun tape and placed it into the player. "Don't stay up too late." He told me.

"I won't," I replied.

"And Eddie," he sighed. I looked at him. "She's the best you're gonna get, tear her right." He told you.

"I will," I smiled. He nodded and walked to his room. I looked down at my now girlfriend sleeping soundly. My smile only grew and I pecked her forehead before turning back to the movie.

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