Is this real?

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You opened your eyes to the sun shining through your blinds. You then noticed a familiar guitar hanging on the wall. You knew this bedroom. It wasn't yours, hell it wasn't real, it was in a Tv show you liked. You then felt movement beside you. You hesitated before turning to see the man of your dreams. Eddie Munson. "What's happening?" You muttered. "This is isn't real, he's from a show." You then sat up to realize your chest was bare. You pulled the sheet up to cover yourself as arms wrapped around your waist.

"Where are you going in such a rush sweetheart?" He asked. God his morning voice was hot.

"Eddie?" You questioned just to make sure this was real.

"Yeah?" He looked up at you concern written on his face.

"Where's my clothes?" You asked.

"Um, down there with mine and the cuffs if I remember right," he told you. "Are you okay?" He asked. You looked over the side to see scattered clothes on the floor along with the hand cuffs you got a short glimpse of in the show.

"I- how is this real?" You asked yourself.

"(Y/n/n) your starting to freak me out." He says up with you.

"Why am I in your bed?" You questioned.

"Because it was our one year anniversary yesterday and you practically dragged me in here so i cuffed you and f-"

"Okay," you stopped him. "One year?" You looked at him. He hesitated before nodding. "What do you know about me?" You asked.

"Your favorite move is (y/f/80's/m), you get good grades. You lost your parents at a young age and you've been taking care of your (b/s) since you were 9. You love listening to (y/f/b) with me. You love food, doesn't matter what it is but you just love it." He told you. All of those things were true but you'd never seen him except for watching Stranger Things.

"Eddie, how did we meet?" You asked.

"Well, you showed up at Harrington's party since you, him, and Robin were close and," he started to laugh. "You we're shotgunning beers with Steve and Robin was telling me all about you. I fell for you in an instant. I looked at Robin and told her, 'I'm gonna marry her even if it's the last thing I do,'" he smiled. You smiled, hoping this was actually real and you just think you're in a dream. "But you got absolutely shitfaced and I decided to take you home and your (b/s) needed someone to make dinner for you both so I made you spaghettios I'm pretty sure. I was gonna leave but you asked me to stay. So I did. I slept on the floor beside your bed, held your hair back when you were throwing up. You don't remember any of this?" He asked.

"Considering I was sloshed no," you snickered. He nodded.

"Right, after that night you and I went on a little date. It was to?" He waited for your answer. You looked through your memories and sadly he wasn't in them.

"I don't know," you frowned.

"The vinyl shop. I bought you a Black Sabbath vinyl. Are you okay? Why can't you remember any of this?" He asked. "What do you know?" He held your face in his hands.

"You're in a Tv show. You're not real." You told him. He shook his head. "You fought monsters, Chrissy died in your living room and everyone thought you killed her." You told him.

"(Y/n)," he said, fear evident in his face. "Chrissy died in a car crash with Jason last year and monsters?" He questioned.

"Yeah, Vecna." You sighed.

"That's D&D. The cult of Vecna passed a while ago." He told you. "You're actually scaring me now." He told you.

"I'm sorry," you burrowed your face into his chest. Hs held you close and rubbed your bare back.

"It's okay, please don't be sorry. I don't know what's wrong but we'll fix it okay?" He told you. You looked up at him and nodded. "Okay," he pecked you on the lips and you just looked at him before pulling him into a longer kiss. He smiled as you kissed him. He pulled away and chuckled. "You're kissing me like you didn't get enough last night." He teased.

"Well, I don't remember last night so maybe you can remind me." You smirked.

"Gladly," he kissed you more rough this time. There was then a knock on the front trailer door. You pulled away.

"Should you get that?" You asked.

"No, it's fine." He went back to kissing you.

"EDDIE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR!" Dustin yelled. Eddie pulled away with a large sigh.

"I'm so close to killing him," he hopped out of bed, he was still naked and god was he hot. Your eyes focused on his body and you bit your lip. "Like what you see," he laughed.

"Yes," you answered way too quickly. He laughed again and grabbed a towel he had on the ground and wrapped it around his waist before walking out.

"What is it Henderson?" He asked as he opens the door.

"Move," I then heard movement.

"DUSTIN DON'T GO BACK THERE!" You quickly covered yourself in the sheets. Dustin walked in and started rummaging through Eddie's things.

"Hi (y/n)," he said not looking at you.

"Hi?" You looked over at Eddie who sighed and pulled Dustin away.

"What are you doing?" He asked him.

"Steve's gone missing, his car was found running in the middle of the street. Are you coming with me or not?" He asked. Eddie looked at you and nodded.

"Let us get dressed we'll be right out." He told him.

"Okay," Dustin then walked out, Eddie shutting the door. He then walked over and rabbed his clothes from the ground.

"What you said earlier, please tell me it was a dream." He looked at you as he handed you your clothes. You took them and hopped off the bed, starting to get dressed.

"I wasn't," you told him, earning a painful sigh from him. You both finished getting dressed and walked out to see Dustin with Robin.

"Where to first?" Eddie asked. Dustin and Robin looked at each other before looking at you two.

"The gate."

You shot up out of bed. You were sweating and you looked over to see Eddie.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You checked your memories and you remembered everything.

"Yeah, I just had a crazy dream." You sighed.

"Go back to bed," he pecked you on the cheek before laying back down with you. You smiled as you cuddled up to him and fell back to sleep.

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